"Harry, my name is Erin Moody. You pretty much know that already. Am i right?"
Harry nodded listening to what she is saying.
"I'm not a Moody. Dumbledore thought that you should know when you were ready and I believe you are."
Harry looked up into her eyes "What did he not want to tell me."
"I'm Erin Potter. I was your father's cousin. Both my parent's were aurors, Harry. They were killed after I started hogwarts. Alastor moody took me in. I mostly spent summer's with Sirius and James. When I wasn't with them I helped Moody with his job. I was the youngest auror in a long time. I passed the exam at the age of sixteen but I didn't become a full auror until I finished school."
Harry let it all sink in, all that she had just now told him.
"Then I have family other than Sirius."
"Correct, after Sirius went to azkaban. I went into hiding. Dumbledore found it for the best. Then when he escaped, I was put in charge of tracking him, mostly because I knew him the best. I quit the ministry."
"Is there anymore of my father's relatives that i should know about?" harry said angrily.
"Harry, I know how you must feel. I would be reacting the same way."
Harry got up from the table and quickly left. He ran into Mrs. Weasley on the stairs.
"Harry, you must be happy to know the truth and that Sirius will be alright."
Harry just shook his head and walked the rest of the way up to his room. He couldn't question Dumbledore. He was away for the order. Ron and Hermoine walked into his room.
"Harry, we heard. Are you alright?" Hermione asked concerned.
He just shook his head and laid down on his bed.
Author's Chapter Notes:
okay next chapter. I should be updating this more than my other story. as I am stuck on the other one. i'll give credit to anyone that can come up with a title and please read and review let me know if you like what i've done so far.