Hermione looked from Harry to Ron. Ron took the hint and walked over to the side of the bed.
"Um, Harry, whoes the auror anyway." Ron asked.
"According to her, she's my dad's cousin." Harry said rolling on his back.
He told them the story Erin had told him. Hermione's eyes grew wide.
"So, that means you have family. go talk to her, Harry. She could explain things."
"Like", harry said buring his face in the pillow.
"Like what happened to the rest of your family."
"Is Sirius awake yet?", harry said voice muffled.
"He was when Mrs. Weasley was putting him to bed. He's confused and doesn't remember anything.", Hermione said tearfully.
"Great", Harry said sitting up and walking out.
He walked into the hallway. He heard voices coming from the room Sirius was in. He shouldered himself in. There sat Erin at Sirius' bedside arguing with him.
"Sirius, please. It doesn't taste that bad."
Sirius made a face at the sickly green broth. He grinned when he saw Harry.
"Harry, please tell this woman that i'm not drinking that until it has a natural color?" Sirius said his voice hoarse.
Erin made a face that if looks could kill, then that meant you were dead. Harry walked over to the other side of the bed. He looked at the green broth.
"Tastes horrible.", Sirius said taking a sip.
Erin sighed getting up and walking out of the room.
"I see you met Erin Moody or should I say Potter." Sirius said draining the last of the broth.
He set it aside and looked at Harry.
"Quit looking at me like I'm dead."
"I thought you were for a while."
"Tought I was too. You have Erin to thank for that."
"Who is she really?" Harry questioned Sirius.
"What she told you. Hard to like she is. I still have the marks from her last jinx. Don't mess with her, she knows enough jinxs to make your dad look like he was a first year at hogwarts."
"She's that good."
"Yes, dumbledore thought she could shape me and james up. Little did he know that she was the one to become an animagus first. She figured it out, even before me and james did."
"She seems not much older than me."
"Looks can be deiciving, Harry. Go and talk to her. You'll have a whole year to put up with her."
"Why." harry asked.
"She's the new defense against the dark arts teacher and not only that your personal body guard."
"WHAT", Harry said.
"Go talk to her. I'm tired." Sirius said grinning and closing his eyes.
Harry got up and took a deep breath before facing the only family other than the dursley's he had.
Author's Chapter Notes:
ok i promised credit for a title. i like the title bsbknowsme gave me. so here's credit for her.