Harry found Erin sitting at the kitchen table. Fred and george were dancing around her.
"Deatheaters quake before her. its Erin Moody the most feared auror next to mad eye.", they both sang.
Erin rolled her eyes, from a top the peice of paper. He walked to the chair infront of her.
"Did Sirius go back to sleep?" she said writing somethig else down.
"Yeah he did. Hermione said he didn't remember."
"He doesn't remember what happened, but he does remember you, me and everyone else. You came to talk." Erin said putting her quill down.
"errr, I guess. what happened to the rest of my family?"
"Dead, deatheaters, tried to make sure the Potters were gone. I'm whats left. They didn't know I was a Potter. I'm sure if they knew I wouldn't be sitting infront of you."
"What are you doing?" Harry said looking at the piece of parchment.
"Research for healing potions. Trying to find some that taste better. Though if a potion is going to heal, the logic would be that it would taste horrible." she said smiling.
Harry laughed at that. He couldn't help but like her. He wondered what Sirius had against her. Sirius had respect for Erin but there was something else there between them that neither would show. erin got up to stir a bubbling pot with the same sickly green potion.
"What was it like growing up with my dad and Sirius.?", harry asked watching her.
"Your father and Sirius both had faith in me and volunteered to help me with a curse. Our teachers hoped I'd keep both out of trouble. We each got in a fair amount of trouble."
Harry nodded, "I guess you'll tell me I look like my dad."
"You've heard enough, I'm sure."
Harry nodded, "I never get tired of it."
Erin folded the parchment and grabbed her wand and cloak.
"I'm sorry to end this talk Harry but I have some things to do and ingredients to get."
Harry nodded and watched her apparate. He got up and walked back up stairs.
Author's Chapter Notes:
i know another chapter but i'm bored.