Harry sat with Sirius playing wizard's chess.
"Did you talk to Erin, Harry?", Sirius asked making another move.
"Yeah, alittle. She's cool I guess."
Sirius nodded in understanding.
"You have to realize, Harry that she did it because Dumbledore asked her to. If I remember she was right beside me wanting to take you in as her son. He wouldn't allow it."
Harry nodded moving another piece.
"Sirius, why hide it though? I've been trying to remember something of her. The only thing I can remember was when I was living with the dursley's a woman handing me a piece of candy. Was it her maybe?"
"Hard telling, Harry. Don't dwell on the past. She's here now and probally will do anything in her power to keep you safe."
Harry nodded, "You said she was an animagus. What does she turn into?"
"Black cobra, We needed another small animal for Remus and a lookout. Erin gave us that."
"What was her nickname? You all had nicknames."
Sirius chuckled and said, "coby, but don't call her that. She didn't like it much. I still call her that to get on her nerves."
Mrs. Weasley came in.
"Harry bed, you go on the train tomorrow remember."
Harry nodded and said, "checkmate", before going to bed.
Author's Chapter Notes:
new chapter please read and review give me some feedback and if i get the names mixed up i'm sorry i haven't read hrry potter in a while if i do please tell me whoes who