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“This is Officer Kate Meeks from the Nashville Precinct 3, badge number 80576, calling an alert. After receiving credible information, we believe a suspect and an accomplice may be passengers on your aircraft headed towards British Columbia. Please be advised, the suspect is extremely dangerous.” Kate inhaled sharply, having said all that in one breath, before she continued. She advised the airline of the situation and instructed them on what to do if they found Rob and Jerome.

“Canadian authorities have already been notified as well, and will be waiting at the gate to search the aircraft. Thank you for your cooperation.” Kate flipped her phone shut and fell back against her cheap, uncomfortable, station-issued chair at her desk. It seems too easy, she thought, reflecting on the information she had gotten from Jerome’s credit card company.

I highly doubt they would be stupid and careless like that; it must be a diversion. Rob wouldn’t get caught that easily; he’s gone through so much to not be already.

She was quickly pulled out of her reverie by the shrill ring of her cell phone and she grabbed it immediately off the desk and answered it.

“Marcus just told us; Rob’s headed for Canada. At least Ros will be safe now,” the voice, which Kate recognized right away as Kaci’s, said over the other end.

“It will be great news if it’s true, but for right now I wouldn’t count on it. If he were really headed away from here in hopes of hiding, he would have covered his tracks better. Don’t let your guard down, and tell everyone else the same thing.” She paused for a moment and then added one more thing. “Kaci, I think Rob is still in Nashville; and I think he’s just waiting for his next opportunity to strike.”

Kaci was unresponsive for a moment, feeling like her optimism in the situation had been a balloon and Kate had just popped it, viciously, and now all the air was escaping from it, slowly taking away the hope Kaci had left. “I understand,” she finally said, keeping her breathing and tone flat, even though her heart was beating so fast she thought it would fly right out of her chest.

“Do you know how long Ros needs to stay in the hospital?” Kate asked, formulating her next plan of action in her head as she went.

“The Doctor said tomorrow; she could go home now but they figured they’d just keep her overnight since it’s so late and she needs her rest. Marcus and Trey are staying with her tonight, so don’t worry about that,” she added before Kate could ask, and she knew Kate would have.

“Good, at least we can all rest assured knowing Roslyn will be undisturbed tonight. We’ve still got an alert out all over the city for Rob and for Jerome, so if he’s around and shows his face someone is bound to recognize him.” A yawn slipped out of Kate’s mouth as she was talking and then she heard Kaci doing the same thing on the other end. “Listen girl, I think we all need to get some rest. It’s already two in the morning,” she said, glancing at her watch.

“Alright, well, call me if anything changes.” Kate agreed to do just that and after bidding Kaci a goodnight she closed her phone, stood up from her desk and headed towards the door. She was about to walk outside into the parking lot, but a cool breeze blew around her, sending chills up her spine.

“On second thought,” she mumbled to herself, turning around and walking back into the precinct. She got a creepy feeling and she wasn’t about to walk through a darkened parking lot by herself when she had no idea where Rob was.

She made her way into the back room of the office where several cots were laid out, mostly for the detectives to use when they were pulling all-nighters. She lay down, closed her eyes, and within moments she had drifted into a solid slumber; only to be awakened a few hours later by the shrill ring of her phone.


“She’s at Baptist Memorial,” Jerome said quickly as he flipped his phone shut. “I told them I was her uncle and they gave me all the information on her,” he continued, laughing a little as he said it. He filled Rob in on what the nurse had told him. “She must have been new or something, cause she sure wasn’t very smart about giving out patient info over the phone.”

He leaned back against the couch in the less than half a star motel they had retreated to for the night. A smile of satisfaction was painted across his face and soon Rob joined him. He had wanted to wait until the wedding to make his next move, but knowing that Roslyn was so close within his reach, and already in a weakened state, made it that much more tempting to go to her now. And thanks to his friend, he had that ability.

“I wondered what happened to her after I crashed the car,” Rob began, standing up from the bed he had been perched upon and started pacing the small, dingy, room. With the poorly painted walls, the worn shag carpeting, and the random holes and marks on the walls and furniture it looked like a scene straight out of a movie; Rob’s movie.

“So what now man?” Jerome asked, watching his friend closely. Rob stopped pacing, thought for a moment and then walked over to the couch, staring Jerome dead in the eyes as his lips parted and he began to speak.

“Now, my friend, we pay a visit to the hospital. I’ve heard people like visitors when they are sick.”