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Chapter 22

The girls had just finished getting ready when the door bell rang.
“Oh gosh, it’s them…” Cass started pacing back and forth in the living room, nervously looking down at her hands.
Holly giggled. “Cass, relax. It’s just Nick.”
She looked towards the front door, and slowly made her way across the room. Holly followed right behind her.
“Now, breathe Cass. You wouldn’t want him to know how nervous you are.”
Cass nodded. “You’re right. Breathe Cass.” She said to herself. “Ok, nothing to worry about. I don’t even know why I’m acting this way. I mean, he’s Nick…. Carter. Just a guy. Nick Carter…”
“Cass… The door.”
“Right.” She took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. Seconds later she found herself starting into a pair of bright blue eyes.
“Hi.” She said, trying as hard as she could not to look nervous.
“Cass, hi.” He looked at her, his gaze travelling up and down her body. “Wow, you look great.” He pulled her into a hug.
Cass blushed a little. “Thanks.” She looked over Nick’s shoulder and saw Aj standing there.
“I’ll just introduce myself, then.” Aj said, not waiting for Nick to respond. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Cass. I mean, we’ve met, but you probably don’t remember. I’m Alex.” He said, holding out his hand. She gently shook it.
“It’s nice to meet you. Oh, and this is my friend Holly.”
Holly appeared in the doorway. “Hi.” She held out her hand.
“Hi, I’m Ni...”
“Helloooo!” Aj grinned and took her hand before Nick had even finished his sentence. “I’m Alex, and dang you look…niiice!” He kissed her hand, and spun her around.
Holly giggled, and smiled at Aj. “Why thank you.”
Nick rolled his eyes and mouthed the words ‘player’ to Cass.
“So you girls ready?” He asked.
“Yup, just give us two minutes.” Holly dragged Cass into the kitchen, where the boys couldn’t see or hear them.
“Oh my gosh.” She whispered excitedly, jumping up and down. “Alex is totally hot.”
“Yea he’s cute, although, I’m going for the blonde.”
“He’s cute too.” Holly agreed.
“So, you ready to hit the town.”
“So ready.” Holly could barely stand still. “Oh, wait. Breath check.”
Cass laughed as the girls breathed on each other. They gave each other the thumbs up, and walked over to the guys again.

“Wow, it’s crowded in here.” Nick said as they entered the club. They pushed their way across the room and over to the last available table.
“I’m gonna go and get something to drink. You guys want anything.” Holly yelled over the loud music.
“Just a beer for me.” Nick said into her ear.
“Make that two.” Cass responded.
Holly turned to Aj. “Want anything?”
“Oh, I’m a virgin.” He yelled.
Holly looked confused. “What?”
Aj took a moment to reflect over what he had just said, and how that might have sounded. “Ok, that came out totally wrong.” He said, laughing to himself. “I mean, I don’t drink alcohol. Just buy me a virgin drink.”
Holly laughed embarrassed. “Oh, right. Join me?”
She didn’t have to ask him twice, and they walked over to the bar, leaving Nick and Cass alone. Cass shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She liked Nick, but she still didn’t trust him completely and she didn’t know what his intensions were.
“So… How are you?” He said into her ear.
“What?” She yelled.
“How are you?” He yelled even louder.
“Oh, fine.” She nodded.
Nick smiled and moved a bit closer.
“You seem tense? Are you sure you’re ok?”
Cass smiled to herself. ‘This is stupid.’ She thought. ‘I need to loosed up and start acting like the real me. If I want to get to know him better, that’s what I’ll have to do…’
“Cass?” Nick placed a hand on her thigh. She could feel the warmth of his hand through the light fabric of her dress. She liked it.
“Yea, I’m sure. I guess I’m just nervous, that’s all.”
“Nervous? Why?” Nick looked into her eyes. She almost melted.
“I don’t know…” She said. She knew she would have to tell him eventually, but tonight she just wanted to have fun.
Just then, Holly and Aj returned with their drinks. Nick quickly removed his hand from Cass’ thigh, and took a sip of his beer. Cass did the same.
They all sat there chatting for a while, ordering a few more drinks and moving in their seat to the rhythm of the music. After one hour and five drinks later, Cass started to really feel the music. She was obviously flirting with Nick, and he didn’t seem to mind at all.
“Hey, let’s dance.” She said, standing up and dragging Nick on to the dance floor before he could even respond. Aj and Holly followed them. They were all having a lot of fun, and Cass was not the only one who was starting to get a little drunk. Nick was happy that Cass had finally let herself loose, and was definitely enjoying the little show she put on, on the dance floor. She was a great dancer, and he could tell that she was having a lot of fun.
“Hey, you wanna go and freshen up a little?” Cass yelled to Holly after over an hour on the dance floor. Holly nodded, and they told the guys where they were going. Nick decided to sit down again, and Aj went to get them some more drinks.
The girls walked into the bathroom and walked directly over to the mirrors.
“I’m having so much fun,” Holly said trying to apply some lip gloss.
“I know. And I am so starting to get drunk.” Cass giggled.
“Me too. Those drinks are really good though. I can’t believe Alex told me he was a virgin. I almost choked.”
Cass laughed. “I know, that was hilarious.”
The girls continued to chat while they were applying some fresh make up.

At the same time, Nick was waiting for the girls and Aj to get back. He was looking around, humming to the music, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Remember me?” He heard a voice say into his ear.
He turned around and was surprised when he saw the girl that had made a move on him the last time he had been out clubbing.
“It’s me, Sam.” She sat down next to him, and he leaned away from her.
“We had a really nice time the last time I saw you.” She moved closer to him, and put a hand on his thigh. Nick gulped, and tried not to look at her cleavage. She was wearing a white, strapless dress that didn’t leave too much to the imagination.
“I’ve been looking for you, you know.” She licked her lips and began stroking his chest with her other hand.
“Listen… Sam. I’m not interested, I’m kin…” Before he could even say another word, she had once again pressed her lips on his. This time he pulled away almost before her lips touched his. He quickly looked around, and his heart sank when he saw Cass standing there, looking at him. She looked shocked, and hurt, and before Nick could react, she was walking away, heading towards the exit.
“Fuck.” Nick quickly got up, pushing Sam out of his way and moving as fast as he could to catch up with Cass. He exited the club and frantically looked around when he spotted her walking across the street. He ran after her.
“Cass, wait!” He yelled. He reached her and grabbed her arm to make her turn around and face him. “Cass, that was not what it looked like.”
She looked at him, and he could see anger and hurt in her eyes. “Don’t pull that crap on me Nick. I saw you with that same girl the same night I ran into you at work.”
Nick looked down, swearing to himself. “Cass, I promise you I don’t even know her. She just threw herself at me.”
“You know what? I don’t wanna hear it.”
Nick was starting to get annoyed. “Why can’t you trust me Cass? I’ve been nothing but nice to you, even though I know you’re hiding something from me.” Nick started to raise his voice. “I though that if I’d let you make the first move, you’d confide in me, but you can’t even trust me.” He was still holding her arm in a firm grip.
“You wanna know about trust? You wanna know why I can’t trust you?” Cass yelled at him. “How about this; Three years ago, my mom was killed in a car accident caused by my step dad. He was never blamed for the accident, and when she was gone, he made me stay with him so that he could take advantage of me. He raped me, several times, every fucking week, and when I got pregnant because of that, he beat me so bad that I lost the baby. The night I was hit by that taxi, I was running from him. I have never met a guy in my entire life that has treated me good, so don’t come here telling me about trust.” Cass was crying by then, and she was yelling so loud that several people had turned their attention to her and Nick. Cass just turned around and started running down the street, tears streaming down her face.
Nick stood there, in shock, feeling really bad. “Cass, wait! I’m sorry.”