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Author's Chapter Notes:
This thing again? Lol. Glad y'all like it thus far! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore, & story idea. BSB own themselves, as do Leighanne, & Baylee. Song is Busy Man by Billy Ray Cyrus. Thank-you!

Note: This one isn't as long as the last one. Sorry!
You got to go, got to run
Hit it hard and get it done
Everyone can see you're going far
You got responsibilities
A crazy schedule that you keep
And when you say that time's a-wasting
You don't know how right you are
Busy man

“So, interview, photo shoot, recording – right?” Brian checked to be sure of what their schedule was for the day.

A.J., Howie, and Nick all nodded. “Yep.”

“You only forgot the second interview – that’ll be after recording,” Howie stated.

“I thought we were through with these crazy schedules?” Nick said.

“Guess not,” A.J. replied. “Everybody wants a piece of us – especially since Kev quit.”

Nick frowned, still not too fond of that fact. “Yeah, well, maybe it’s none of their business why he left. They don’t need to know everything. I mean, we love our fans and all, but we do like to keep some things personal.”

Howie nodded. “I know what you mean, Nicky.”

“You’re lucky I love you, Howie, or I’d kill you for callin’ me Nicky.”

“Guys, can we focus here please?” Brian piped up. “We got a long, busy day ahead of us. We have to stay focused on what we need to do and how we need to do it.”

A.J. chuckled. “Seems we have a new Kevin. Must run in the family.”

Brian frowned. “C’mon, Alex. You know we have to work.”

“Fine, fine,” A.J. replied smirking. “Last one there’s a rotten egg!”

The other three looked at one another, shrugged, then ran off after A.J. who’d already run out of the room.


Brian finally came home, in time to change for the next interview and the meeting that had suddenly been called by management.

Leighanne entered the room and smiled. “You’re sure getting ready in a hurry. The baby-sitter won’t be here for another half hour.”

“Baby-sitter?” Brian repeated, turning to look at his wife. He was in a hurry, so his wife’s statement had him completely baffled. “What do we need a baby-sitter for?”

Leighanne frowned. “I thought we had plans to go out tonight?”

“We did?” Brian asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “I’m sorry, Honey. I have to work tonight. We’ve an interview and a meeting with management just came up. I’m afraid we’ll have to go out some other time.”

Leighanne’s eyes filled with tears. This was the sixth time she’d been brushed off because he had to work. “You promised we’d go out this evening. To make up for all those other times you had to work.”

Brian finished dressing, and cupped her face in his hands. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise. Just wait until we break somewhere in between the tour.”

Leighanne looked down, unable to look him in the eye. “That’s months from now.”

“It’s something to look forward to then, isn’t it?”

“What do I tell the kids? You promised them a bedtime story.”

“I’ll read to them another night. I have to work, Leigh. I have to make y’all proud.”

Leighanne sighed, as her husband kissed her quickly and ran out, side-stepping the kids as they cried out for him. “You already have. We just want you home,” she said to herself softly, as she sat down on their bed to cry. She’d call the baby-sitter later, or maybe just have her stay and play with the kids anyway.

There's a woman in the bedroom crying
Saying I thought we had plans
You say honey I'm sorry I'll make it up
When the job slows down and I'm not such
A busy man