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Laura sat in her room, her knees pulled tight to her chest, head buried. “Laura you have to listen to me.” Amber pleaded, but Laura kept her pose. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.” Amber flung herself over a chair and sighed in frustration.

“Brian was supposed to be immune.” She quietly spoke.

“Immune?” Laura looked up, her tear stained eyes puffy. “From what? What did you do Amber?” She demanded.

Amber sighed and looked at her friend. “Do you remember a few years ago when I plucked that hair from your head?”

Laura stared at her friend trying to recall the incident. “I think so, you wrapped it around… incense or something and burned it.”

Amber nodded and continued. “Well that was my first spell, since then I’ve been practicing more. Small stuff here and there, trying to get better so that I could one day, as corny as this sounds, I really wanted to meet the guys and hang out with them.” Amber fiddled with her thumbs afraid to look Laura in the eyes, afraid of the accusations she knew she would see.

“So you practiced huh? On me? On Brian? Were we your guinea pigs! Was any of this real?” Laura’s voice choked on the words, tears already falling. “You were behind this, how am I supposed to know if any of this was real. I can’t believe you Amber!”

“The spells were never to make you and Brian fall in love, I never cast a love spell. They always go wrong, I only cast spells that made you two never want to be separated, to always be together.”

A pillow flew across the room, barely missing Amber’s head. “How could you?” Laura turned towards the bathroom and locked herself inside the tiny room, leaning against the door she slid to the floor to sit. She knew it had been too good to be true, that something like that could really happen to her, that something so incredible could actually happen to a fan, but it was nothing more than a trick her friend orchestrated so she could have something fantastic happen to her later. She stared at the tile floor and let the tears flow from her eyes, though a sound never escaping from her lips.

Staring at the door, Amber could not hear anything going on in the room. “Laura?” She questioned. “I’m going to go and give you some space.” She turned to leave, opening the door scaring both herself and Nick.

“Nick, what are you doing here?” She asked nervous as to what he might have heard.

He stood staring at the girl. “You…freak.” He spat out and ran off towards the rooms he and the guys were sharing. He practically broke down the door to Brian’s room. “Brian, you’ll never believe what I just overheard.”


The Bible lay open in his hands, a few water droplets making the words blurred. He took the news from Nick in stride until his friend was gone. Then he prayed. He read the Bible, he asked God for guidance. He could not believe something that was so wonderful, something that brought such joy into his life was given to him through trickery. He read the Bible for hours but now sat staring at the window holding the book.

A small knock on the door brought him around again. He meekly called out, “go away.”

“Brian?” a small whisper came from the other side of the door. “Brian, please.”

He walked like a zombie towards the door and opened it, staring blankly at Laura on the other side.

“Brian we need to talk.” She moved to come inside the room, but Brian barred her way. “Brian?” She questioned.

“Nick told me everything, he overheard Amber telling you.” His voice was flat, his face solid. He was breaking inside but he would not let Laura see that. “You and your friend thought it would be fun to play with magic, to force me to like you. Typical fan.” He spat at her and turned to shut the door.

“It wasn’t me.” Laura pleaded. “I had nothing to do with it Brian. Let me in, please, let’s talk. I can’t believe everything we shared, everything we had was because of what Amber did.”

“It’s against what I believe, Laura!” He turned back to her, a fire in his eyes, but not the fire Laura loved to see. “She tricked me using powers, powers I do not understand nor want to understand. How can I believe you had nothing to do with it, how can I believe that what we had was anything more then this trick?” He turned again, this time shutting the door before Laura could protest.

Brian stood on the other side of the door, hearing the sobs Laura was openly crying. His face softened, he could not stand to hear Laura crying. He wanted to hold her, console her, tell her that everything would be alright, that they could work things out. He almost opened the door to her, to let her in, but he spied the open Bible on the bed where he put it when answering the door.

He turned his head upwards and spoke softly. “Dear God, what should I do?” His tears now falling freely from his face, sobs matching Laura’s who was still on the other side of his doorway.