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Laura stared at Brian’s door for awhile longer before turning and heading back to her room. She could not believe what was going on, the conclusion her romance with Brian was ending and not in any way she ever could have imagined. Amber was sitting in a chair when Laura got back; she did not look at her so-called friend but grabbed her bag and threw the few things she unpacked back in her bag.

“I’m going home.” She muttered and left the room. She practically ran out of the hotel and hailed a taxi. She got in as quickly as she could, in her attempt the slam the door she collided with an arm pulling the door open again.

“What’s going on?” Kevin asked pulling Laura back out of the car. “What happened? Nick and A.J. are fighting, Brian is locked in his room not talking with anyone, and you are leaving in a hurry. Tell me what is going on.”

Wiping her nose with her free arm, Laura stared at Kevin. “Ask Nick, he seems keen on telling everyone things he has not business telling and messing up everything.”

“What has Nick have to do with you and Brian?” He managed to pull Laura back inside the hotel and into a corner of the lounge. Laura could see a bodyguard nearby, keeping his distance from the conversation he knew would be private.

Laura shook her head; she did not want any more of the boys knowing the strife, knowing what Amber did to her and Brian. Brian thought horrible things about her and she did not want the others too as well, though she was sure Nick would tell them in due time. “I don’t want to be the one to tarnish your view of me.” She kept looking at her hands; she could not face Kevin and the look she knew she was getting from him.

“It has something to do with your friend arriving doesn’t it?” He asked taking hold of Laura’s hands.

“Kevin she did something, unusual that involved me and Brian. It’s something out of fiction, strange; I don’t know what to make of it. Brian thinks I had something to do with it and won’t even talk to me about it.” She poured out the words before she could stop herself.

“Give him some time, he’ll calm down. His faith will calm him and he will be ready to forgive and talk.” Kevin’s voice was soothing to Laura but she knew that Brian would never come around. Magic wasn’t something a person of faith could easily forgive, especially if it was practiced on him.

She shook her head and looked up at Kevin shaking her head. “He won’t but thanks for trying.” She looked past him noticing Brian talking to the bodyguard. He looked towards her, her sudden of intake of breath caught Kevin’s attention and he turned to look in the direction she was looking. He saw Brian, watched as Brian turned from the room and jogged back upstairs.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Kevin said standing and following Brian up to his room. Rapping lightly on the door Kevin called out to Brian. “Will you talk to me?”

The door opened and Kevin walked in noting the bed in disarray, the Bible open close by and tissues littering the floor. “Brian what is going on? Laura says something happened that even you would never forgive her for. Brian you are the most forgiving person I’ve met. What is going on?”

Brian stared at his cousin. “You wanna know? Her friend used magic to make me like Laura.”

“Do you know that for sure?” Kevin asked, taking in what he was just told. He could not believe magic was involved, wasn’t that something out of fantasy books and movies.

“Nick heard Amber confess it to Laura!” Brian flung his arms in the air and moved to the bed, throwing himself on it, clutching a pillow tight.

“Did he hear it all, or did he just say what he heard?”

“Are you trying to stand up for what she did? None of it was real Kevin! The whole thing was a shame. I cannot trust Laura anymore, how do I know what we had was real? There is no way to tell. It’s over between us. I thought she was the answer to my prayers, but instead she took me down a path I never wanted to venture down.”

Kevin sat looking at his cousin unable to comprehend, it was all too fast. If he did not understand, he was sure that Brian was in a fit of confusion. “Can you condemn someone for the action of her friend?”

Brian rolled his eyes at Kevin. “Please stop. I’ve made my decision. It’s over. We continue on tour tomorrow morning and I could use the sleep. I am looking forward to moving on and leaving this all behind me.”

Kevin sighed and glanced towards the door, wondering what Laura was going to do now.