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Author's Chapter Notes:
Well, here's chapter two. And yah think this is amazing - here's what's more amazing - I've started chapter three! Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore & story idea & the drug-dealers. The creators of Law & Order own everything & everyone else. Thank-you!

The Captain came out of his office a short while later, having had heard Lenore’s wails from inside his office.

“Elliot,” he began.

Elliot looked up, still holding the now sleeping girl in his arms. “Yeah, Captain?”

“Take her home and take tomorrow off if you need too,” Captain Craigen told him.

“But Captain – we gotta catch these perps.”

“The rest of us can do that,” Captain Craigen stated. “She needs you Elliot. Take care of her.”

Elliot nodded, as he glanced back down at the thirteen year-old he held, like he had back when she was younger. “I will Captain. Believe me, I will.”

Captain Craigen nodded, then turned to the others. “I assume we got her statement and know where to start looking?”

“Somewhere between the school and Elliot’s place,” Olivia answered.

“Then get out there and start canvassing. Somebody had to have heard something,” Captain Craigen said. “It was broad daylight. These things can’t just go unseen by everyone. I also presume we’re looking for a body, since she said she walked in on them killing somebody. Be on the look-out for that as well.”

“Munch, Fin, let’s go,” Olivia said, getting up and grabbing her jacket. “Give us a call if she remembers anything, Elliot.”

“Don’t worry, Liv,” Elliot replied. “I’m just as eager to catch these guys as you are.”

Olivia nodded, then followed Munch and Fin out to go start the search for the creeps who’d almost killed Lenore.

Once they’d all left, Elliot stood with Lenore in his arms, not wanting to let her go. “Captain.”

“Yeah?” Captain Craigen replied, turning to look at Elliot.

“Keep me posted, whether I come in tomorrow or not,” Elliot insisted. “I want to know everything that’s happens. Expect me in here periodically, especially if you catch the perps. I want to be the one who grills them.”

“We’ll see Elliot,” Captain Craigen answered.


“Elliot, you’re personally involved. I said we’ll see, so leave it at that for now and get her home,” Captain Craigen told him. “And Elliot…”

“Yeah?” Elliot turned to look at him once more.

“Keep an eye on her.”

“I will Captain. Trust me on that one,” Elliot assured him.

Captain Craigen nodded, then returned to his office to make some phone calls.

Elliot managed to get Lenore out to the car, and lay her upon the backseats. He made sure she was buckled in, then got in the driver’s seat and drove off, headed for home.

Lenore slept soundly the whole way home, snoring softly. Her fear had left her completely exhausted, and the pain medication she was on didn’t help her stay awake any either.

Elliot finally reached his house and got out, going around to lift Lenore out so he could carry her inside. Once safely inside he laid her upon the couch and covered her up, before heading to the kitchen to get dinner started.

Not long after they’d gotten home, Lenore began to stir – and not knowing where she was, caused her to let out a startled scream.

“Elliot!” She shrieked, bolting upright on the couch.

Elliot came out of the kitchen and spoke to let her know he was there. “I’m right here,” he told her, coming around the side of the couch. “I was in the kitchen making dinner.”

Lenore gave a sigh of relief, then blushed. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

“Hey, you’ve nothing to be sorry for,” Elliot assured her, sitting next to her on the couch. “You’re scared and didn’t know where you were. It’s perfectly normal to be scared when you wake up and don’t know what’s going on.”

Lenore leaned into him, seeking comfort. “I don’t like being scared, Elliot. I mean, sure, I’m afraid of the dark – but the dark is much better to be scared of, than this.”

“I know, Honey, I know,” Elliot replied, hugging her close and kissing the top of her head. “But you’ll be fine. I promise. Nothing’s going to happen to you so long as I’m around.”

“Except burnt food,” Lenore joked, wrinkling her nose. “I think dinner’s burning.”

Elliot shook his head and held his hand out for her. “C’mon. Let’s go see what damage I’ve done.”

Lenore smiled and took hold of his hand, letting him lead the way to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, Elliot quickly headed for the stove, while Lenore went about setting the table. It was their usual routine, though he didn’t always burn the food.

“Saved it!” Elliot exclaimed suddenly, taking the chicken out of the oven. “The stuff on the bottom of the stove was burning.”

“Thank God,” Lenore said, handing him a plate to put the chicken on. “Do we need ketchup?”

“Don’t we usually put ketchup on our chicken fingers?” Elliot replied.

“Right,” Lenore smiled, going to the fridge to get the ketchup and the chocolate milk. “What do you want to drink?”

“Water’s good,” Elliot answered, setting the chicken aside so he could get the French fries out and into a bowl. “There should still be bottles of it in there.”

Lenore nodded and grabbed a bottle of water, before closing the fridge door and going back over to the table. She placed the stuff she’d grabbed upon the table, then took her seat, so that she could dig in and eat.

“So how was school?” Elliot questioned, as he too sat down to eat dinner. “Anything interesting happen?”

Lenore shrugged, as she sat hunched over her plate protectively. “Not really,” she answered softly. “It’s just school.”

“Not crushing on any guys this week?”

Lenore cast him a glare. “I don’t switch crushes every week, Elliot!”

Elliot narrowed his eyes slightly. “No need for the tone.”

Lenore rolled her eyes and resumed eating, but quietly this time.

Elliot shook his head, knowing she had to be acting like this because she was trying to not be scared of the situation she was now in.

Lenore finally finished eating and cleared her stuff away. “I’ve got homework to do,” she stated, about to leave the room.

“You need help?” Elliot wanted to know.

Lenore went to speak harshly, but paused. “Yeah,” she admitted finally. “Math’s a pain in the butt.”

Elliot nodded. “I know that, but you’ll need it all throughout life.”

“Wish we didn’t,” Lenore muttered, going to get her schoolbooks while Elliot finished cleaning up. Once she had her books, she spread them out on the kitchen table so she could figure out where to start.

“Why don’t you start with the math, then do the easy ones later?” Elliot suggested.

“Whatever,” Lenore shrugged, easing herself back into her chair.

Elliot pulled a chair up next to hers and sat down so that he could help her out. He knew how much she hated math, and figured if she got it down first she wouldn’t be griping about it later.