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Author's Chapter Notes:
Even though I'm upset at the moment - y'all probably know why, though I'm not going to state why. *sends a glare out* I REALLY hope y'all like this chapter! I finished it before I found out about what's been going on. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore & story idea. The creators of Law & Order own everything else. Thank-you!

Note: Y?all, please be honest when scoring my fics/chapters. If not, I?ma sick my Ashee on you & she can be?.*pauses to think a moment*?.Quite protective of her best friend. *winks*

The next morning Elliot awoke, smiling slightly when he realized Lenore was still in his lap, snuggled into him as much as possible. It’d been a long night, but once he’d gotten her calmed down, they both fell asleep rather quickly. He sighed softly, as he carefully and gently eased her out of his lap and back onto the bed. He covered her up, kissed her head, then left the room to go and get breakfast started. He’d decided they’d discuss going to the station while they ate, as discussing things on an empty stomach was never good – it just made people crankier than usual.

“Hmm…chocolate chip pancakes should do,” he decided, grabbing the pancake mix from the pantry and the chocolate chips from the fridge. “Hopefully, they’ll make her feel better.”

It was while he was making the second last batch that Lenore came stumbling down the stairs in her Mickey Mouse pyjamas. After her nightmare and their talk last night, she’d changed into her pyjamas, so she’d be more comfortable.

“Hey…” she said softly, trailing off slightly.

Elliot turned to smile at her. “Hey, Kiddo. Sleep well?”

Lenore shrugged. “S’alright. I got scared when I realized you’d left, but I couldn’t get outta bed yet.”

Elliot shook his head. “Least I didn’t go far.”

It was then Lenore realized just what it was he was making – her favourite breakfast food ever!

“Oooh! Chocolate chip pancakes!” She squealed delightedly, running over to stand next to him in front of the stove. She liked to peer over and watch as they were made – in hopes of getting one early. She did this anytime he cooked something she loved to eat. “Do we still got corn syrup?”

Elliot nodded. “Yeah, we do. It’s in the cupboard next to the fridge – middle shelf.”

“Sweet!” Lenore exclaimed, scurrying over to get her syrup, also making sure to grab the maple syrup out of the fridge as well. “I love corn syrup on chocolate chip pancakes! It’s the best!”

Elliot smiled. “I know you do – that’s why I made them.”

Lenore smiled back as she set the syrup upon the table, then ran to grab plates. “You make ‘em the best too! Nobody can make ‘em like you can.”

“Thanks,” Elliot replied, finishing off the last batch. He always made lots, knowing she liked to heat up the leftovers at lunchtime.

Lenore was on his heels as he carried the plate of chocolate chip pancakes over to the table, sitting down quickly once he’d set the plate down. She grabbed up her fork and eagerly dug in, though she received a scolding look.

“Your fork?”

“I didn’t stick it in my mouth yet!” Lenore exclaimed. “It’s clean! I wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t!”

“You better not,” Elliot told her sternly, before letting the smile he was trying to hide break out upon his face. “And if you’d noticed, I did the same thing.”

“Elliot!” Lenore groaned. “I thought I was in trouble!”

“I know,” Elliot chuckled. He ate a few bites of a pancake, before asking her about what was on his mind. “Do you feel up to hanging out at the station today? You could work on homework and stuff, and I could work on the case.”

Lenore looked a little sad. “So I don’t get you to myself today?”

“Well, it might help us catch these perps faster, if I was there to help out,” Elliot stated. “You never know.”

“Fine,” Lenore sighed. “I can hang out there and bug the Captain.”

Elliot raised his eyebrows. “You’d better not bug the Captain. He’s a very busy man, Lenore.”

“I’m not stupid, Elliot!” Lenore snapped. “I know when to bug people and when not too!”

“And you know how to come close to being grounded,” Elliot replied. “Eat up and get ready to go. We leave soon as you’re ready.”

Lenore shook her head and resumed eating her pancakes. She was still angry she wasn’t even going to get him to herself for a day – all he ever did was work, work, work! Was it too much to ask to have him all to herself for just one day? Would it really kill him that much to take a day off and just spend time with her? Sure, she loved him and knew he loved her; and they did do things together when they were both home – but usually, he got called in and she wound up being left alone.

Soon enough, they were both dressed and ready to go to the station for the day. Elliot grabbed up his wallet as they headed out the door, while Lenore grabbed up a book to read and a notebook to write in. She knew it was going to be a long day wand wanted to make the best of it – bruised ribs, a sprained wrist, and all.

Elliot led the way to the car, and they both got in quietly. He was busy thinking about the case and Lenore was busy being mad at him for the moment. They drove to the station in silence, the only noise being the radio that blasted throughout the car – Lenore only grinning when the Backstreet Boys came on.

When they reached the station, they both piled out and headed on inside. Needless to say, everyone inside was surprised to see them – especially after what had happened the day before.

“Elliot, what are you doing here?” Olivia asked.

“Joining the case,” Elliot replied, tossing his coat over the back of his chair.

Olivia looked from him, to Lenore, and then back to him again. She’d really thought he’d at least take a day off to ease Lenore’s fears some more. “Does the Captain know?”

Captain Craigen came out of his office then, frowning when he spotted Elliot and Lenore. “Elliot, my office,” he ordered. “Now.”

Elliot followed the Captain into his office, shutting the door behind him as requested.

“I thought you were going to call me this morning?” Captain Craigen stated, eyeing one of his best detective warily. “Did you talk it out with her?”

“We decided during breakfast we’d spend our day here – her doing whatever, and me working the case,” Elliot replied. “And since when do I need her permission to come to work?”

“Since she could’ve been killed yesterday, Elliot!” Captain Craigen exclaimed. “You brought a child here, knowing perfectly well that she probably wants to cling to whoever or whatever makes her feel safest – You!”

“Look, she agreed to it, and will be fine,” Elliot told him flatly. “Now, let me do my job and catch these perps before they terrorize someone else.”

With that said, Elliot stalked out of the Captain’s office, heading straight for Olivia. He needed to know what they’d found out already, though he’d been told the night before it wasn’t much.

“Liv, where are you on the case?” He demanded, grabbing a file off her desk. “Fill me in, then you and I can go check things out. And did you guys ever find that body?”

“No, not yet,” Fin piped up. “We’ve searched everywhere between your place and the school. We checked every alley and even had the dogs out looking for him. But so far, nothing’s come up. I’m starting to wonder if there even was a body.”

“Look, if Lenore said there was a body, then there was a body, Fin!” Elliot snapped angrily. “You just have to look harder!”

Lenore shrunk down in her seat, when they mentioned they hadn’t found the body. But then again, she’d never mentioned she’d really been nowhere near her normal route home.