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Author's Chapter Notes:
Another chapter's up! Enjoy ;)
It was around three in the morning when he heard Christian at the door, slipping out of the bed, he walked out. Picking Christian up Harold walked back with him to his room to sit with him for a few moments. However, Kelly and Baker had been woken up as well, and had come into Christian’s room to be with their father.

At Six, Jackie woke up automatically; it was something she was used to doing. Ready to turn around and greet a not-so-anxious husband, she felt around the bed, feeling it empty.

“Honey?” she asked drowsily searching towards the shower for her husband, he wasn’t there. She slipped out from under the covers walking to the door. Finding her youngest son’s door open she saw her children, all cuddled up across her husband as he was sleeping on the small couch. She smiled, finding it a perfect picture moment.

After she found her camera, she took numerous pictures before she thought, she should wake her husband so he wouldn’t be late for work.

“Harold” she smiled touching the only part of his body that wasn’t being slept on, his knee “honey, work.”

Then it was routine, as he quickly moved out to his room, taking a quick shower, getting shaved, clothed, and ready for the day.

Everything paused as the phone rang, Jackie went to pick it up “Littrell’s?” she answered her husband walked behind her.

“By. I’ll be home by seven-thirty” he said kissing her cheek taking his coffee from the counter.

“The phone’s for you” she said pulling the cord around her. He took it from her thanking her before he started to talk.

“Momma can I lick the bowl?” Kelly asked after her mom placed the cake inside the oven and shut the door.

“Here baby” Jackie replied pulling the bowl and a spare spoon onto a table.

“Mom!” Baker ran in, three of his friends following him “When’s dad going to be here?”

Jackie pushed a strand of hair away from her face “I’m not sure he’s going to be here honey, He couldn’t promise he’d be back.”

The phone rang “But” Baker pouted around.

“Baker, I’m sorry sweetie. Maybe this is him” she said as she walked to the phone picking it up. “Littrell’s” she answered.

“Mrs. Littrell this is Cindy, do you wish to be connected?”

“Yes” Jackie sighed, finally her husband was calling, only this sort of call usually meant he was still overseas. The phone clicked through, she was excited to talk to him “Hey baby, I miss you so much. Your son is sad you’re not here. You remember how you said you would talk to him?” she smiled through the phone, knowing he would find someway to make it up, and in the end Baker would be ok.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry this isn’t your husband.” the voice responded.

“Dick?” she asked, as she recognized the voice, her lips quivered, it was Richard Pratt.

“Jackie I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this…” Jackie felt her hands shake and her face grow pale, as all the blood left her cheeks, her head hurt, as she listened to the brutal discovery “The whole cabin was like a tinderbox. Everything was burned, the frames was all that was left of the plane.”

“There’s no body” she quivered, she was in a weird state, she was shaking but she wasn’t quite believing it.

“Danny was the only one recovered, he sent out the cable, he found your husbands belt after the crash. I don’t know how much details –“

“Everything” Jackie whimpered, Please tell me” she begged.

“It was like a fireball, we expect his belt was too hot because of the medal so he had to get it off, because there were fingerprints.

He was in the back though, it was where the explosion started, we’re sure it was hostile though; it must’ve been the engine. Danny’s in intensive care – Jackie?” he asked trying to make sure she was there, she had found a seat but couldn’t get herself to sit down as she pulled the cord with her “What do I tell my baby. It’s his birthday?” she chocked.

“Tell him, his dad was a hero, and you have the sympathy and compassion of everyone around you.”

“It’s a boy” the doctor smiled cleaning the baby off, making sure all his vitals were doing well. After cleaning him off the nurse handed her baby boy in her arms.

Jackie pulled the blanket down watching the small infants sleepy eyes open, their blue sea welcomed her smile, his little chin was irresistible as she touched it, feeling for the first time in three months that her husband’s spirit was with her, she felt comforted. His small tongue peaked out between his small lips then went back in.

“He’s a healthy baby,” the nurse said smiling, waiting for Jackie to let her smile at her child.

“His daddy would be proud” Jackie heard herself say, kissing his little fingers and thumb that had wrapped comfortingly around hers “Welcome to the world it’s your first day here” she smiled remembering her husbands words “Your daddy would be so proud” she kissed his small fingers, the small infant shuttered.