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Author's Chapter Notes:
Yay for updates! Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore, Nikki, security, fans, & story idea. BSB & everyone else owns themselves. Thank-you!

Note: No, this story isn't done yet!
After the concert at McDonald’s…..

“Over here!” Brian called when he saw Lenore and the guys walk in. “Quick! Over here!”

They hurried over to where he was and all silently prayed that the two of them would be able to switch back this time.

“You ready to do it right this time?” Brian questioned. “Or do you still have doubts?”

“I’m ready,” Lenore assured him. “No doubts whatsoever this time; I promise.”

“Okay, then let’s do this already.”

The two of them hugged and wished for everything to be back to normal, when they broke apart huge grins spread across their faces.

“Did it work?” Kevin interrogated. “Are you back to normal again?”

“Does this answer your question?” Brian asked as he saw Leighanne walk in.

They all watched as Brian ran over and kissed Leighanne passionately; after a minute or so he pulled back grinning the biggest grin you’d ever seen.

“Eew!” Lenore gagged. “Gross!”

The guys turned to look at her as Brian and Leighanne came up to them.

“What’s so gross about it?” A.J. queried. “I thought you didn’t mind seeing them kiss.”

“I don’t,” Lenore shrugged. “I was just making sure everything was back to normal and that I wasn’t the one kissing Leighanne.”

Nick looked at her curiously. “How do I know it’s really you and not Brian trying to cover up the fact that it didn’t work?”

“Check out the banana B-rok’s suddenly got in his pocket now that he’s kissed Leighanne,” Lenore stated, pointing out Brian’s situation. “I sure as heck don’t think that’d be happening if I were still in his body and not mine.”

“Uh, excuse me,” Brian blushed as he hurried off to relieve himself.

Everyone laughed as they watched him run off.

“Okay, you’ve made your point,” Howie chuckled. “Although, poor B-rok probably isn’t going to be showing his face again for some time.”