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Author's Chapter Notes:

Only a few more to go folks! Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore & story idea. BSB & everyone else owns themselves. Thank-you!

Later that night…..

(A.N.: Every other line is Lenore; the other line belongs to Brian.)

The phone rang and Lenore quickly made a mad dash for it.

“Nick?” She said hopefully.

“Uh, sorry Lenore, it’s me, Brian.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Don’t be; I know you were probably hoping it’d be him anyhow.”

“So, what’s new with you?”

“Nothing much; we might be in town this weekend.”

“Why? Where you going?”




“Oh, okay.”

“What’s new with you?”

“You mean other than suffering from my very first heartbreak ever?”


“Nothing, absolutely nothing.”


"Well, my friends just may’ve beaten the crud outta Nicole for being the reason Nick broke up with me.”

“You promised you wouldn’t do that.”

“I promised that I wouldn’t beat her up; I can’t exactly control my friends you know.”

“Well, any ways, would you mind if we came to see you? Considering we won’t be that far away and all.”

“Sure, I guess,” Lenore replicated a little hesitant. “Just, uh, don’t bring Nick, k?”

“Lenore, I know you’re hurting and all, but that don’t mean you gotta snub him.”

“Brian, I want him here, really I do; you gotta believe me when I say I want him here more than anything. But I don’t think I could handle him being here and being unable to kiss him or just plain old cuddle on the couch with him.”

“Okay, I understand.”

They said their good-byes then hung up.