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Author's Chapter Notes:
This one's really short, but Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore, Nikki, & story idea! Thank-you!
In the kitchen area of the BSB tour bus…..

"I don't know why Kristin, but Brian was kind of cold to me when I went in there," Leighanne told her. "I think there's something bothering him, but I don't want to ask just yet because I don't want him to get mad at me again."

"I'm sure he'll eventually tell you what's wrong," Kristin verified. "He doesn't seem like the type of guy to

hold a grudge against anyone."

"I hope you're right."

"Of course I am," Kristin assured her. "Trust me, he'll come around and be back to his good old cheery self before you know it."

"I sure hope so," Leighanne sighed. "I missed my Bri-Bri a lot, and now it's as though he doesn't even wanna see me."

"Leighanne, stop your worrying," Kristin stated firmly. "All he's been able to talk about for the past month was you coming to visit him while he was on tour."

"You're right," Leighanne agreed. "Brian would never be unfaithful to me or any other girl for that matter."