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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's another since it is the B-rokster's birthday and all. Please review for both! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore, Nikki, security, & story idea. BSB, Leighanne, & Kristin all own themselves. Thank-you!
*Brian as Lenore*
After school at Andrew's locker…..

”Hey…Andy-Roo, hey Melissa," Brian said coming up to where they were standing. "What's up?"

"Not much," Andrew riposted. "What's new with you?"

"Nothing," Brian shrugged. "So, Melissa, did you ask C.M. 'bout whether or not he likes me?"

"I'm sorry Lenore, but he doesn't," Melissa replied shaking her head. "I asked him last period in English class."

"Oh, well, guess I'll just have to more on," Brian shrugged again. "There's more guys than just him out there."

"Yeah," Melissa answered. "I didn't think you'd take it this well though."

"He's not worth my tears, so why bother moping around about it?"

"Good point," Andrew piped up. "Well, we gotta go Lenore or we'll miss our bus. See you tomorrow."

"See ya," Brian replicated, as he turned and left the school to go back to Lenore's house.

I hope we figure out how to switch back soon, he thought. I miss the guys and Leighanne; Lil' Tyke and Litty Leigh probably don't even know I'm gone 'cause it's still my voice and she more than likely still smells like me. Then again, I don't think her hamster exactly knows she's not really here with him either.