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Past Featured StorySummary: When tragedy strikes and old friends are forced back into each others' lives, will they be able to find strength in one another? Will they find forgiveness for past mistakes and be granted the mercy they so desperately need?
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Other
Genres: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 19
Completed: Yes
Word count: 60322
Read: 48847
Published: 06/21/07
Updated: 11/01/07
Story Notes:
I'm up for Best AU! Thank you to whoever nominated me!

1. Chapter 1 by honey [ - ] Liked (2950 words)
Yay a new story! I'm excited about this one, should be interesting. :)

2. Chapter 2 by honey [ - ] Liked (3607 words)
Yay I finally finished this chapter! Trying to find a balance between this and my Smallville story, but I'm finding it hard to bounce back and forth between genres. Anyway, would love to hear your thoughts!

3. Chapter 3 by honey [ - ] (3404 words)
FYI, if you already read this chapter this morning, go back and read it again because I combine the next chapter with it since they were both fairly short. Thoughts and comments are always appreciated. :)

4. Chapter 4 by honey [ - ] (2874 words)
Whohoo, another update on a story I haven't worked on in ages. I had to go back and re-read this one -lol. I hope you don't have to do the same.

5. Chapter 5 by honey [ - ] (3197 words)
2 in a row! Look at me :D lol.

6. Chapter 6 by honey [ - ] (3251 words)

7. Chapter 7 by honey [ - ] (4030 words)
Yay! Kelly's writing lots again! Let's all be happy! Sorry this one's a little long.

8. Chapter 8 by honey [ - ] (2685 words)
Sorry, I've been in Supernatural mode the last week or two, but I haven't forgotten about this one! Enjoy!

9. Chapter 9 by honey [ - ] (3020 words)
Yay Sarah! Lookie, lookie! I finished tonight. lol.

10. Chapter 10 by honey [ - ] (3790 words)
Yay, two in a row! And don't worry, I sort of leave you hanging a little, but it won't be fore long. I'm writing the scene you're probably waiting for right now. :)

11. Chapter 11 by honey [ - ] (2780 words)
Thanks to those of you sticking by this one. I know it's a lot different from your standard fanfic, and it's a little different pace from my normal stuff, but I've really gotten into this one and I'm glad to see a couple others enjoying it too. Thanks again you guys, you rock!

12. Chapter 12 by honey [ - ] (2660 words)
Hey y'all! Here's the next chapter, sorry I was stuck for a while there. and I was a little distracted by my new story. In case you missed the news, I just started a new fic that I am co-writing with my favorite AC writer, starbeamz2!!!! She's as much a Brian girl as I am and we're super excited to come up with the superest, awesomest Brian story ever for your reading pleasure, so go check it out if you haven't already. It's called "In The Shadows" and you can find it under my AC name or Sarah's. (starbeamz2 and honey) Thanks again! The next chapter of this and our new one should both be posted hopefully by the end of the weekend! Until then, enjoy this update!

13. Chapter 13 by honey [ - ] (2910 words)
Hey! I know it's been a week or two, but Sam and Dean are finished, so I'm back on board with this one! Yay! As always, thanks for reading along!

14. Chapter 14 by honey [ - ] (2883 words)
I think we're actually getting kind of close here people. Like 3 or 4 more chapters. (haha now that I've said that watch it go like 10 more.)

15. Chapter 15 by honey [ - ] (2578 words)
OK people, we're finally getting somewhere, I promise! But, I know the chapter you're all really waiting for is the one after this one and I've already started it so hang in there and I'll have that one posted as soon as I can. In the mean time, enjoy and don't hate me after you read this. *bats eyelashes innocently*

16. Chapter 16 by honey [ - ] (4238 words)
Man these people are exhausting! I think only one or two more chapters to go until this story comes to an end, and I think I might need some good therapy after it's done. lol Enjoy! (And Brace yourselves! ;)

17. Chapter 17 by honey [ - ] (2883 words)
Only one chapter left!!! I think I am actually going to finish this by October. Yay, I don't have to leave you hanging for a month! Just FYI, I am going to participate in the National Novel Writing Month challenge this year. (Which is to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.) Sadly, that won't leave much time for my fan fiction next month, but if you want to check out some of my original fiction, I will be posting it here as I churn it out next month. Wish me luck, and when December rolls around, get ready for my fantastically fluffy Brian romance to take the front burner! =D Thanks again everyone! You're comments always mean so much to me and really motivate me to keep going!

18. Chapter 18 by honey [ - ] (3287 words)
ok, you know what, you should just stop believing me when I tell you how many chapters are left, because apparently I never know what I'm talking about. Yep, after writing this chapter, there is still one more... I'm going to try my hardest to be finished by Wednesday, but I KNOW I'm going to be a little distracted tomorrow!! hehe. HAPPY BSB LISTENING!!!!!

19. Chapter 19 by honey [ - ] (3295 words)
Wow, it's done. Pleas exit the ride on the left had side and don't forget any of your personal belongings. haha anyone else feel like they're leaving six flags? Well, just in time, I hope you liked it! Thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback and let me know what you thought over all! Thanks again guys! Now it's off to write and original fic!