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It was a brand new day in the life of Jess Mitchell, a new beginning in a new home, new school, and a new place where no one knew of her and her problems. She had began her schooling at Lawrence High School in Marathon, Florida, through correspondence so she would not be behind when once she started attending in person. After her second day at her new school she was late arriving to her bus stop and it had left her behind, so she began her long walk home.

On her way home she stopped at a small market to get some supplies for an upcoming activity that she would be involved in later in the school year. While she was in the store she ran into someone who looked very familiar, she stared at him trying to place his face. The guy noticed her staring and came over to her. He asked her if she had just moved to town, and if she moved into the house on Brier Road. Instantly she realized that he was her new cute neighbor. He got in the checkout line with her and grabbed her bags with her supplies, and carried them out as if to go to her car. She was confused by this because 1) she had no car and 2) no guy has ever been sweet enough to carry her things…especially good looking guys. “Where did you park?” he asked looking around.

“I don’t have a car so I wa…” she started before he left and walked towards his black SUV. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m putting this stuff in my car so you don’t have to carry it home.”
“oookay” she said slowly before she turned and started to walk away.

“Don’t you want a ride?” he asked.

“ummm” was all she could out. She looked towards the sidewalk then at his car.

“Well…” he said with a cocked eyebrow. ‘What is she thinking about’ he thought to himself.

“Yea” she whispered “but I thought that…”

“I was just gonna let you walk home in this heat, it’s like a 45 minute walk from here and it’s like 200 degrees!! Not to mention you probably don’t know your way around yet, and you could get lost. Then I’d be worried about you.”

She stood there a little uncertain while he got in. After all she did just meet him.

“Aren’t you going to get in?”

“I don’t even know your name.”

“Well my name’s Nick, and yours?


“Well there now that we know each other, let’s go it’s HOT!”
They both laughed at his goofiness.
“But not 200 degrees hot” she said.

“Ah true, but it does feel like it”

After that the ride home was fairly quiet except for the music playing on the radio. Once they got home Nick helped her carry the bags into her house.

“umm Jess…”


“What are you doing tonight?”

“I don’t know, probably nothing because my mom isn’t home, why?”

“Same here so I was wondering if you want to come over and we could order a pizza or something?”

“umm sure I guess. What time?”

“Well it’s 4:30 now so how about around 7:30?”

“Yea sounds good I’ll see you then.”

“See you then.” He said as he started to walk back towards his house.
When she got inside she immediately got started on her mountain of homework, and before she knew it, it was 7:00. She began to clean up and get ready to go over to Nick’s when the phone rang.

*sigh* “What now!” she exclaimed.

“Hello…oh hi mom…yea I’m fine…no actually I’m getting ready to go over to Nick’s house…our new neighbor…yea I finished everything…where are you?...you’re WHERE?!?!...you were supposed to be home tonight because the program starts tomorrow and it’s required that you go!!!...well why can’t you cancel the meetings or postpone them?...can’t you tell them that your daughter is more important?...fine…alright…what ever…okay bye mom, yea love you too.”

By the time she got off the phone with her mom she was near tears, she looked at the clock and it was 7:45, she was late to Nick’s…