The Bootlegged Club was a place only the rich, famous and important hung out. It is where everyone who’s anyone in town get together, party, has a few drinks. For the mafia families, it was a place where our dealings took place. The Valencio empire owned the club and was bought off from Don Luciano, one of the richest and most powerful man in New York.
The Valencio family were among the celebrities that was at the club. The five of us sat at a booth and Rico ordered another round of drinks. Rico raised a toast in honor of Papa.
“To our late Godfather Valencio, Monticello—father, uncle, godfather to all. We will mark a new era for the Valencios in his name. Our empire will be the most powerful.” We tapped our glasses together and drank the liqueur. Rico sat down.
I couldn’t hear the rest of Rico’s ramblings because I noticed a beautiful woman had entered the club. She was wearing a cream-colored dress and her long dark hair was in a Spanish bun held off to the side by a glittering hair clip, the rest of it falling just over her shoulder. Her saunter was mesmerizing and I was hypnotized as her hips swayed as she walked. Her ebony eyes collided with mine with much intensity I had to blink a few times. She held my gaze as I held hers. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She smiled at me and looked away before sitting down at an empty table. I finished my drink and got up not leaving her in my sight.
“Nico, where are you going?” asked Rocky.
“Yeah, the party’s just getting started,” Tony said. I waved them off and headed toward the mysterious beauty sitting at the table all alone.
“Ciao, bellissima [Hello, beautiful],” I said. “May I join you?”
“Si, signor,” she answered, gesturing the empty seat across from her.
“Did you come here with anyone?” I asked.
“Well, actually no, I came here alone.” She dropped her gaze embarrassed by her answer.
“So, what’s a beautiful woman like you doing in a place as this all alone?” I continued.
She hesitated before answering. “I wanted to escape from my home, just for a moment. My family has been under a lot of stress lately and my father and brothers...” she trailed off and stopped talking. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bore you with my problems.” She laughed self-consciously.
“Oh it's alright, I’m just trying to make conversation. I’m Nico. Nico Valencio." Her face turned ashen as she suddenly got up from her chair.
“I’m sorry," she stuttered, “I have to go. I just remembered I have...a curfew.” Before I could ask her for her name, she disappeared into a crowd.
I sat there puzzled and wondered what had alarmed her. She must have realized who I was and got scared. I sighed and chuckled slightly. The rest of the guys surrounded me.
“What do you think you’re doing?” demanded Alex. “Are you stupid?” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“What’s your problem, Alex?” I fumed.
“Don’t you know who that was?” Rico asked.
“No, she didn’t tell me her name,” I answered, matter-of-factly.
“You wouldn’t want to be involved with that kind of woman, Nico,” Tony warned.
“I can’t believe how stupid you are! She is the last person you’d want to get with!” continued Alex.
“What? I can’t pick up a girl unless you get her first? Is that it?” I asked vehemently, my anger rising in my chest. Alex clenched his fist, but he kept it at his side.
“She’s a Berlacchi!” he spat through his teeth.
“What?” I said, "You''re lying!" I didn't believe for a second that Giovanni Berlacchi had a daughter, especially one as beautiful as the woman I had seen. Surely, I would have known about Berlacchi having a daughter.
“Who knows how many nasty thugs she's slept with!” Alex muttered.
It was probably the alcohol that pushed me over the edge, but I didn't care and yelled, “Asshole!”
I raised my fist and hit Alex square in the jaw knocking him down on the table making a loud commotion. Everyone at the club stared at us apalled, but i didn't care.
My chest heaved up and down from my anger. Alex got back up but he was immediately held back by Rico. Tony held me back too. Rocky stood in the middle of us, just like what Mama did at the cemetery.
“What the hell is wrong with you two?” he shouted. “Ever since I got here you two have done nothing but fight! This isn’t the way brothers should be, especially after Papa’s death!” Rico and Tony still held Alex and me apart, as we were glaring at each other.
“Yeah, well this family has changed in the past few years while you were gone!” I told him harshly. Rocky remained quiet and Rico gave me a disapproving look, like how my father used to look at me when I got into trouble. Rico let go of Alex, but Alex didn’t come after me again. Instead, he wiped off the blood from his busted lip and walked out of the booth. Tony hesitated before he let me go. They stood there staring at me in bewilderment. I glared at them all. They always do this to me! They always take Alex's side!
We left The Club and got to the parking lot and stopped by two black Bentleys. Alex climbed into the back, and Rico climbed in the driver’s seat. Rocky stood by the open passenger door for a minute and was about to say something to me, but he shook his head and climbed into Rico’s car, leaving Tony and me standing in the dusty parking lot and we watched as they pulled out of the curb.
Tony and I were headed for home. I sat in his car quietly and rested my head on the seat. I looked out the window at the dark violet skies. Silhouettes of strangers linger at the sidewalk, like a wolf stalking its prey. I could see our grand estate sitting at the top of the Village in the distance.
“Nico?” asked Tony. “You alright buddy?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I answered.
“Look, Nico, we don’t mean to horn into your personal space. We just want the best for you. But you’ve got to put your head together. Being with a Berlacchi is not a very good idea.”
“Why can’t you just let me do my own thing for once? I’m so sick of everyone telling me what to do! I’m sick of everyone treating me like a kid! I’m twenty-six, dammit! I want to have control over my own life! I don’t need everyone doing it for me!” I exploded.
Tony sighed and made a left turn into our snake-like driveway. We made our way to the front of the house. A white Rolls Royce was parked in front of our garage blocking our entry. Tony parked his car next to it. Our other car wasn’t home yet. I guess we beat them home.
“I wonder who’s here,” mumbled Tony.
We got inside and were greeted by my mother and a man in a gray colored suit. He wore a matching fedora and had a cane with a giant diamond on the top. The man was none other than Don Luciano.
“Ah, Nico and Tony,” my mother got up and kissed our cheeks and sat back down on the couch next to Don Luciano. Tony sat on the couch across from them, but I stayed standing and scowled at Don Luciano. What did he want?
“The Don and I were just discussing your father’s business, the Bootlegged Club. He was wondering if he could purchase it back,” my mother explained. as if he had read my mind.
“What? Why? That’s Papa’s business!” I sputtered, taken aback by the sudden request of Don Luciano.
“I’m sure your father wouldn’t mind if I purchased it back,” he said with a slight chuckle.
I glared at him. “But I would mind! His business belongs to me and my family!”
“No need to get all defensive, Nico. I was just showing a mere interest in your father’s—excuse me—your business. Come on, Nico, I'm sure we can work on some kind of deal. How about you get to keep the business but I'll run it from behind the scenes? What do you say?” he insisted.
“My answer is no! I will not have our business in your hands! Don’t think I don’t know how you run business in this town,” I warned.
“Nico! Have some respect!” my mother scolded me. “I did not teach you to speak like that!” She turned to him and apologized.
“It’s okay, Elena,” Don Luciano assured, taking her hands in his. I stared appalled at his gesture.
“Don’t touch her!” I shouted, prying their hands apart.
“Nico!” my mother yelled, “what has gotten into you?”
“He probably had too much to drink,” said Don Luciano, as if he had known all along I had been drinking all night.
“Shut up!” I snarled at Don Luciano. “How could you do this, Ma! Letting this vulture into our house thinking he owns the place and then he’s trying to put moves on you! Papa’s not even gone for a week and Don Luciano’s already trying to take his business!” I spat. This time Tony spoke.
“Nico, that’s enough.” Tony laid a hand on my shoulder and held me back firmly to keep me from advancing to Don Luciano.
“I think it best if I went on my way,” Don Luciano announced calmly as if I hadn’t said anything.
I glared at him and clenched my jaw.
My mother led him to the door and I watched as he pulled out of our driveway and drove off into the night. My mother headed upstairs and didn’t utter a word at me or Tony. Tony let go of my shoulder and went to the kitchen. Just then, the door swung open and Rico, Rocky and Alex came through the door chatting. Rico noticed me sitting on the couch.
“We just saw Don Luciano pulling out of our driveway. What did he want?” he asked.
Still clenching my jaw, I replied, “He wants Pop’s business. Not to mention Ma.” I got up.
They exchanged confused looks.
“What do you mean?” asked Rocky. Finally, I gave up.
“Ask Tony.” I said defeated, stomping up the marble staircase. I got in my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.