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Chapter 1

Sabri Mclean walked slowly into the big dark mysterious mansion on top of the world. Or at least it seemed to be, Sabri being from a small community of Tampa, Florida finding herself standing in the foyer of a Los Angeles mansion everything seemed so huge to her now. She dropped her two suitcases and looked up at the ceiling that had to be at least 10 feet up. A big crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the foyer. A long stair case with beautiful cherry wood banners and deep red carpet on every inch of the stairs. As she glanced to the other room she saw a figure in the left corner "Alex?"

The mysterious figure moved slowly from the darkness into the faded light. His sleek and slender body moved cat like as he made his way towards her. She smiled at the sight of the man she hasn't seen in four years. He looked a little different then the last time she say him. His nicely tanned Florida body was now pale with a little hint of a reddish pink color outlining his cheek bones and his lips a dark cherry red as if he just finished eating a cherry popsicle. He wore sunglasses hiding the eyes she remembered him always using to get a girl's attention. Those beautiful big brown lust filled eyes. She was happy to see he no longer sporting the blond dyed hair she couldn't stand, he went back to his dark natural brown color, his hair was nicely styled in a short stylish cut. Wearing all black made him look more mysterious then he ever was before. Was this Alexander or some lost soul?

She starred at him waiting for his response, he smirked before moving his hands up and outward as if he was showing her his home. He then spoke "Welcome to the city of Lost Angels." his voice brought a shiver down her spine. It was dark and deep not what she remembered.

She cleared her throat "It's good to see you A.J., Thank you for letting me come stay with you."

"No one has called me that in years." his voice was so deep and rough, it will take her time to get use to. He continued before picking up both her suitcases "This is your home now." he began to walk up the long staircase. She watched him move so sleek up the stairs. She studied him before following.

"So what have you been up to here in L.A.? The last time I talked to you, you were working at some club." she tried to get him talking. Which was odd for her, usually he would never shut up.

"A lot has happened. A lot has changed since then." he spoke no more and no less.

"Like?" Sabri was getting irritated with this game.

"We'll be able to talk in time Sabri." Alexander set the suitcases down near the bed as he moved pass her the hair on her neck stood. She watched him as he made his way out of her room, as he was ready to shut the door behind him he stopped, not looking at her he spoke so sincere "I'm sorry for your loss, your parent's were good people." she looked down at the floor in sorrow as he walked out of the room leaving her completely alone. She held back her tears and took in a deep breath as she raised her head, She turned around no longer staring at the door, Sabri scanned the room taking in every feature, the luxurious bedroom that would now be called hers. The floors were not carpeted they were shiny wood floors a mixture of dark and light oak. The bed was a huge tall King size bed that had a step stool laying at the side for her to get in easier. The four post held high a thin burgundy Chiffon fabric decorating the bed as a canopy. The bedding was a thick hunter green suede comforter with silk hunter green sheets to match, pillows of all different sizes some in dark green others in burgundy. The two dressers in the room were of cherry wood. Nothing on the walls, nothing in the drawers of the dressers and nothing in the walk in closet. It felt so empty, a room so huge being left so bare. The curtains being a thick dark burgundy keeping the room so dark. One lamp keeping her room from being complete darkness. She sat on her bed, feeling so alone and so cold.


Sabri shut the closet door as she hung her last clothing, she glanced down at her watch as she finished unpacking her suitcases. It was nine-thirty in the evening and she just realized she has had nothing to eat. As she made her way down the lightly lit hallway to the staircase that would take her down to the main level of the house she heard voices. She slowed her pace to hear the conversation.

"Do you think it's smart to have her here?"

"She's the only family I have left." Alexander responded.

"She's not apart of the family you are now." The voice showed anger.

"I will not turn my back on her. You will except this, and you will protect her from the clans if necessary. I want her no where near any of them you hear me? They should not know who she is nor should she know who they, or we are." Alexander's voice was frighteningly stern.

"Yes sir. As you wish." The voice that once was angered now showed honor.

"I will not be going to the Under Ground tonight. Go in my place make sure all is well and don't speak of Sabri." Alex ordered, his words were always well spoken in a slow strong tone.

Sabri heard footsteps as the tall dark and handsome man saw her standing on the last two steps of the staircase her breath shuttered. She swallowed her fear as he stared her down with his stern green eyes. The man said nothing to her he just looked through her before looking away and walking out of the home. Leaving her wondering who he could be. Her heart was beating extremely fast as she feared the man she now lived with and the company he keeps.

"You may come in now Sabri." His voice called to her.

Her eyes grew wide as she heard him call from the other room. How could he have known I was here? she thought. Her body became so cold as she walked towards the room he was waiting in. She slowly made her way into the sitting room, she stopped in the door way as he turned to look at her. He stood in front of a fireplace that was sending out the main light for the room. The flicker of fire that made the light passed his features as he stared at her made him look so beautiful. No longer wearing the shades over his eyes he tilted his head like a child as his brow creased.

"Why you fear me?"

"You're not as I remember you. I don't know you. Are you scary Alex? Should I be scared?" her voice was so soft in question.
