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“Well…I think it was kinda sweet you dreamt of me.”

“I thought you would be creeped out and asked me to not come into your bookstore again. But the only weird thing is that you felt real. The way your hair smelled, the texture of your lips, your slick sweaty skin on mine.” he said as he drew closer to her being only inches away from her.

“Uh…maybe you should go. Your lunch hour is almost ending.” she moved away from him and he immediately felt disappointed.

“Yeah I should get back to the studio. Wait…how did you know I was on lunch break?”

“Uh…I don’t know…I just guessed.”

"Is there something your not telling me?"

Jennifer bit her lip.AJ raised his eyebrow at her.

"Not at all."

AJ sighed and turned away."Okay,bye."

Lying in his bed, AJ felt like the happiest man alive. He’d just made love to the most incredible woman in the world. The love of his life.

A small contented smile comes across his pink lips in the dark. The moonlight shining through the windows casts its silvery glow against the skin of his beloved, wrapped tightly in his arms. Her golden hair fanned across his chest and her shoulders,illuminated by the moonlight she looks like a goddess. Like an angel come down from heaven to walk amongst mortal men.

Running his fingers through her hair, feeling her tiny fingers flat against his chest, the soft hum of her breathing, AJ knew he couldn’t love her more if he tried. She’d fallen asleep only moments ago, and AJ was more than content to watch her sleep all night. To hold her tightly against him is a blessing in itself.

His soulful brown eyes fell blissfully closed and he whispered against the crown of her head, “I love you,Jennifer.”

AJ eyes instantly fly open and he’s met with the darkness of night.It was the dream again.The dream of making love to Jennifer.He settled back down on his pillow and fell back to sleep.