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“Was that all a dream?” I thought to myself as I woke up the next morning. “Had I actually told Nick how I felt. Did he kiss me back?” I turned in the bed and as I did I felt someone laying next to me. I turned my head and saw blonde hair. “Did we? Did I just? Oh no.” I looked around the room and saw clothes all over the place. “Oh my gosh it happened. No, no, no.” I couldn’t stop screaming inside. I quickly got up and got dressed and ran out of his room and down to mine.

As I got into my room Melissa had just woken up and was getting ready to go downstairs and get breakfast and some coffee.

“So where have you been all night?” she asked.

“Oh my gosh,” was all I could manage to say.

“Huh?” she asked. “What happened?”

“I just,” I stopped.

“You just what?” she asked.

“Nick,” that’s all I could say.

“You just what with Nick? Oh,” she just realized what had happened. “You slept with Nick?”

“I don’t know how it happened,” I cried as I sat on my still made bed.

“Did you get drunk at all last night?” she asked.

“No we didn’t really drink,” I answered. “I don’t know what happened. All I remember was I told him how I felt when we were kids and how I feel now that I see him and then he kissed me.”

“He kissed you?” she said shocked.

“Yeah as I got off the elevator to come to bed last night right after I told him,” I answered.

“And that’s when you ended up in his room?” she asked.

“I guess so,” I replied.

“Don’t you remember anything?” she asked.

“I just remember that kiss,” I said. “That kind of made me forget everything else I guess.”

“Must have been some powerful kiss,” she replied.

“It was,” I responded. “But he probably won’t want to talk to me after last night.”

“You never know that,” she said as someone knocked on the door. “That could be him now.” She got up and walked towards the door and opened it. “Hey Gary.”
“Hey,” Gary replied.

“Thank God,” I sighed a sigh of relief.

“What?” he asked.

“Oh sorry I though it might be someone else,” I answered.

“Oh ok,” he said. “I came to ask if you both want to go to breakfast with me and the guys and our girls.”
“Yeah sure that sounds great,” Melissa responded.

“Ok we’ll meet you down at the restaurant in about 15 minutes sound good?” he asked.

“Yeah great,” she replied as he left. “Ok great ready girl you look like you just got in from the party last night.”

“I just did,” I reminded her.

“Well come on,” she said as I got up and got dressed.



“Hey girls,” said Tara, Gary’s wife.

“Hey Tara,” I replied. “So how are you?”

“Good,” she answered. “Did you have yesterday?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Hey I saw Aaron this morning and invited him and Nick to join us I hope you don’t mind,” said Jay from the other end of the table.

I shot a glance down at Jay hearing Nick’s name, “Yeah that’s ok.” I couldn’t tell them what happened. What would they think of me if I did. So I just kept my mouth shut.

Jay looked at me for a second and saw the shocked look on my face. He could almost tell that something had happened but didn’t want to say anything.

Just then Nick and Aaron walked into the restaurant and saw our table. They made their way towards us.

At that moment all I wanted to do was run and hide. But I knew better then that cause I knew that Melissa would stop me dead in my tracks and make me sit it out.

“I’m gonna go to the ladies room be right back,” I said as I got up and walked towards the bathroom. Just as I started off I could see Nick following me. Just as I was out of sight from the guys I turned around and there was Nick.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Why did you leave?” he asked me.

“I just had to get out of there,” I replied. “You probably didn’t even want me there.”

“That’s not true,” he responded. “Why would I have kissed you last night if I didn’t want you. I had the same feelings for you back then as you had for me. I just had to see if they were still there and they were. I missed you in my life and now your back. I wanna make things different this time.”

“But Nick we’re at two different points in our lives,” I started. “Look at me I manage a country group out of Nashville and you are a singer living all over the place and touring all the time.”

“Yeah so,” he said. “What about it. If your important to me and I’m important to you I think we should make it work. We can make it work.”

“I don’t know,” I replied. “I have to think about it.”

“That’s fine I’ll give you as long as you need,” he responded. “I’ll be here for a few more days until I leave for home. I’ve got a few interviews to do and then I’m off for Florida.”

“You still live in Florida?” I asked.

“Yep,” he answered. “Just a different house. Nicer too, but still in Tampa.”

“I miss it there,” I said. “I haven’t been home in forever. Usually my family just comes to Nashville each year for the holidays.”

“You should come down I’ll let you stay at my place if you want too,” he replied.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I stated. “But like I said earlier I just need to think about this whole thing and see if I want to try and work something out. I’m gonna go to the ladies room I’ll see you back at the table.”

“Ok,” he replied as I walked into the ladies room and he watched the door shut. He turned around and walked back to the table and sat down.

“Everything will be fine Nick,” Melissa said as Nick sat next to her. Melissa could always tell when something was going on between Nick and me.

“Hope so,” he replied. He knew she knew cause he knew how close her and I were.

Just as they were talking I walked back to my seat on the other side of Melissa and sat down.

“Hi I’m Georgia and I’ll be your waitress for this morning,” the waitress introduced. “Sorry to keep you waiting this morning we’ve been busy. May I start you off with something to drink? Coffee? Orange juice? Coke?”

“I’ll have a coffee,” answered Joe Don.



“I don’t know what to do?” I said as I fell onto the bed in our hotel room.

“What do you mean?” Melissa asked as she took out of high heels.

“Nick said he’d like to make something work between the both of us,” I answered. “Like he wants to be my boyfriend or something.”

“Well what are you going to do?” she asked.

“I don’t know that’s what I’m confused about,” I replied.

“Maybe you should just try it you never know what will happen,” she said.

“I don’t know,” I responded. “What if nothing good comes out of it?”

“You never know until you try it,” she replied. “You like him right?”

“Yeah,” I answered.

“And he likes you?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Then try it,” she started. “It won’t hurt and if things don’t work out then you can just be friends.”

“I guess so,” I replied. “Thanks Melissa. I’ll be right back.”

“Ok,” she said as I walked out the room and towards the elevator.

I pressed the up button and once the doors opened I walked in and pressed 11and the doors closed. A few seconds later the doors opened and I was on the 11th floor. I looked around and saw no one in the hall. I walked towards Nick’s room and knocked on the door.

Nick opened the door as he spoke, “Hey.”

“Hey,” I replied. “I thought about what you said today and came to a conclusion.”

“You wanna come in?” he asked.

“Sure,” I walked in as he closed the door behind me. “I thought we could try it and see what happens and if it doesn’t work we can just go back to being friends.”

“Really you wanna try it?” he asked shocked.

“Yeah I’d like to,” I answered. “I mean last time we were friends I didn’t get the chance to see what would have happened and now I’ve got a second chance. I’d like to take that chance now.”

“Yeah that’s why I had to kiss you to see if I really felt the way I thought I did when I saw you,” he replied. “I’m glad you said we could try it.”

“Me too,” I replied as he brought me close for a kiss.



“Ok I’ll call you as soon as I land so you know I’m safe,” I said a few days later at the airport. We were getting ready to go back to Nashville since we were done. Nick had to be out here a few more days for a couple more interviews about his up and coming solo album. “I’m gonna miss you. I’ll see you soon hopefully.”

“I hope so too,” Nick replied. “I’ve got a few days off before I start doing other things. I’ll try and come to see you then. I’m gonna miss you.”

Things had gotten serious so quickly for the both of them. They never thought they’d be head over heals for each other.

“Well I guess I gotta go,” I replied as my plane was called. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too,” he responded. “Call me.”

“I will,” I said as I kissed him. “Talk to you soon hopefully.”

“Ok,” he replied as I walked off towards my flight.

“You ready?” asked Melissa as I walked up to her.

“Yeah ,” I smiled weakly trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes.

“Don’t cry you’ll see him before you know it,” she replied.

“Yeah I guess so,” I said as we got on the plane and into our seats.

“Hey what’s the matter?” asked Kassidy.

“She’s missing Nick already,” Melissa answered.

“Oh,” Kassidy replied. “Its gonna be ok. I know how it feels. Look at me and Joe Don we’re both singers in groups and have our own tours we have to do. Its had to leave each other but we have to.”

“Thanks, Kassidy,” I replied with a weak smile.

“Welcome,” she said as the plane got ready for take off.



“We just landed,” I told Nick over the phone. “We’re heading home finally. I can’t wait to get home and to see Lucy. I gotta pick her up from my friends place. I can’t wait for you to see my place you’ll love Nashville. You wanna move here? Cool. Ok, have fun at your interview. Talk to you later. Bye.”

“Nick?” asked Melissa as I hung up my phone.

“How could you tell?” I asked.

“Lucky guess I guess,” she laughed.

“Right,” I replied. “Lets get home. I think you’ve got someone who’s been waiting to see you.”

“Yeah I know,” she responded as we walked to my truck we had left. “Guess what?”

“What?” I asked.

“I talked to Jake while you were talking to Nick and we sat the date,” she answered.

“Oh my gosh you did?” I asked. “When?”

“We wanna do a small wedding with just close friends and family so we’re gonna surprise my folks and his and bring them up here a long with yours and do the wedding on New Years Eve at midnight,” she answered.

“Oh my gosh that’s gonna be so cool,” I replied. “Congrats.”

“Thanks,” she smiled and hugged me.

“Lets get home cause you’ve only got a short time before the wedding to get everything together,” I replied as we got in the truck and drove off.

Chapter End Notes:
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