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This was the 2nd week in a row that I'd had the same dream. I couldn't shake it. I tried writing it down, talking about it, ignoring it...It just wouldn't go away. I felt like I was going crazy. And the worst part? It was about a girl. The same girl, same dream, same beginning and ending.

But this wasn't just any girl. Oh no. This girl was something else. She and I had a bit of a history. Nothing major, but it still existed. Countless relationships had ended because they couldn't handle it, and I finally stopped putting my heart out there. Many times I'd thought I'd gotten over her, and many a time I told her this. Finally she just walked away, completely out of my life. She told me she was done trying, done getting hurt by my indecisive heart. I can't blame her. I mean, if someone told me they loved me, then they didn't, and again they did...Well, being who I am, I probably would've broken their face, but you know what I mean.

I got out of bed, damp from sweat, though I couldn't figure out if it was because of the dream, or because of the 100 degree weather. I decided a shower would help, so I stripped down and climbed in. My mind was wide awake, and my body was screaming for sleep. It was a horrible place to be.

When I was done showering, I then decided to go on patrol. The shower had helped calm me down, but I still couldn't shake the dream. It felt so real, just like every other one. I played it over and over in my head, broke it down into pieces, tried to figure out why I kept having it, but it just left me with more questions. Where was she? Could I ever fix things? Why was constantly on my mind lately?

My thoughts were interrupted by a couple vamps trying to be sneaky. I told myself I'd finish the conversation later and pretended to not notice them. I kept walking for about 20 feet when I heard a third person in the bushes nearby. They startled me, so I grabbed my stake, only to find it was Faith.

"Hey, kid. Long time no see," she said with a smirk.

"Uh...hi. Yeah. What are you--"

"Be right back." She took off towards the vamps, staking both in just a couple minutes. I think she intentionally let them put up a fight. I just leaned against a tree and smiled. It was good seeing her, even if she was pummeling vampires at the moment. I watched as she dusted herself off, then walk back to me.

"So, not that I mind, but why the surprise visit?" She shrugged.

"Guess I just missed ya." I raised an eyebrow, and she knew I didn't buy it. "The whole lot of us are back. Somethin big's stirrin' up, and you know G-Man. He's got his panties in a twist about it. Could be something real serious, though. Almost as big as The First." My smile quickly faded. I remembered all too well the fight with The First. Willow and I had drifted apart shortly after, Buffy had gone off by herself due to the loss of Spike, Faith and Robin moved in together, and I kind of lost track of everyone else.

"That bad, huh? So who all's here? Last I knew, the main group kinda, well...broke off." She nodded and pulled out her smokes.

"It's me, Giles, Buffy, Dawn, Xander, Robin, Willow...everyone's back. Now all we need is you." I scoffed because of habit and she looked at me.

"I just don't understand why you guys need me. You've got two Slayers, a witch, and everyone else to fill the rest of the needs you might have. So why do you need me?"

"Willow asked for you to be there." I just stared at her.

"Come again?"