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"He looks fine to me."

"Andrew hasn't uttered a single word."

"Can't you talk?" The doctor asked as he turned to me.

Again I didn't answer.The doctor shook his head and left the room.As I sat in bed I could hear the stragers around me talking to the doc.I didn't know what was going on.I didn't know theese people.I didn't want to be 'Andrew'.I wanted to be me.Nick Carter.

A black dog bounded eagerly into the room.When he was close enough to smell me he froze.Slowly the fur on his back rose.He growled.Unlike everybody else,he wasn't fooled.He knew an imposter when he smelled one.


"What's gotten into that dog?"

"Raven,get Buddy out of here."

My heart was pounding so loud I thought everyone would hear it.While everyone was searching for ways to explain my behavior,I tried to claim down.

That evening I had my first dinner with the family.I was trying to do everything right.Which meant I had to copy the others.