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That night before I went to bed, I found a hole in the floor.I peered inside and saw something hiddenin the dark space under the floor.I lifted out an old bulging leather bag.Holding my breath I untied the knot and opened it.When I tipped it over a stream of marbles poured out.Overflowing in my hand.Spinning across the floor in all directions.I went after them on my hands and knees stuffing some in my pockets.Just then the girl everyone called Raven came in the room.

"Andrew you should be asleep."

"But I was..."

"Your marbles can wait."

When I got to sleep I was dreaming about a rocket ship traveling through space.Suddenly a shower of marbles spun towards the ship.Like meteorites,they trailed fire.They bounced and knocked agaist the ship's side.

"You took them.Don't deny it.You took my marbles!"