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Story Notes:

Okay, so this story was born and raised in the threads of Live Daily (LD). Created by the genius minds of Hannah (Lucky Hearts) and I, it all started in a thread titled "Hmmm. Where's Nick?" A simple fan wanted to know where the hell Nickolas Gene Carter was, and as you can tell, it got carried away, thus the being born. Now, this story is different because it's strictly dialogue with small descriptions, and it was basically banter between Hannah and I, so the chapters will seem extremely short, but hopefully it'll make it easier to understand. It's purely humor... So, without further adieu, we present to you our LD Epic. :D

*Guest starring Moppy as another Co-Author*

Author's Chapter Notes:
This is how the story all started...

Nick: What the hell is a Zimbabwe?

AJ: Zimbabwe, Nick, is a place next to Jamaica.

Brian: Zimbabwe is nowhere near Jamaica AJ.

AJ: Well hell, I didn't flunk geography for nothing!!

Howie: Zimbabwe is actually in South Africa.

Nick: Yeah... South Africa you dildo!!

*the phone rings and Brian answers*

Brian: Yello

*Brian nods and starts laughing as he hangs up*

Brian: That was Kev....he said to tell Howie that Zimbabwe actually is north of South Africa and borders it... he also said Nick should have called you a dildo, Howie!

Howie: *mutters* Curse you wikipedia.


*Nick and Howie mysteriously end up in Zimbabwe*

Howie: *wakes up to find himself in a tight, dark place* Ugh... where am I?!

Nick: *humming a song to himself, all the while carelessly stabbing holes into the suitcase* Lalalala... breathe my little wee butterfly, breathe...


Nick: BREATHE BUTTERFLY!! Feel the air!! Fill your lungs with the sweet nectar of life-giving oxygen!!!! *stabs the bag repeatedly*

Howie: Um.. you.. you do.. know..that.. that I'm not.. really.. a ... butterfly... right, Nick?

Nick: (blank face)