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Author's Chapter Notes:


*Nick decides to write a reply to Kevin's letter*

Nick: *writing* Dear...Kevin.... *pauses* I Have found a beautiful butterfly...

Howie: *grabs pen*

Nick: HEY! *pouts*

Howie: *writing* Hey Kev, It's D. Nick's gone beserk. Send help. Lots of help.

AJ: *grabs pen* The loin cloths are USED dude!


Stylist: COME OUT!!!!!!!

Nick: *hits AJ and grabs pen back* They were used in a real life Zimbabwean war!!!

AJ: *grabs pen back* USED!!!!!!!

Nick: *grabs pen back again* Stop it!! I was writing first!

AJ: SO? *grabs it back* You're writing stupid crap!

Nick: GIMME IT! *grabs at the pen*

AJ: No. *holds the pen over his head*

Nick: *plucks the pen from AJ's hands* dumbass I'm taller then you! that only works if I do it... like this *Holds pen over HIS head*

AJ: Yeah.. but I wasn't trying to do that.. I was trying to get you to hold the pen like that.

Nick: Why??? *still holding pen up*

AJ: So I could do this. *grabs the string that holds Nick's cloth on and pulls the string*


AJ/Howie: (blank face)

Nick: *shrilly shrieks and runs off to dressing room*

Nick: *crawls into corner of dressing room and calls Kevin*

Kevin: Hello?

Nick: *whispers and sniffles* Hey Kevin.

Kevin: Hey Nick!! Man, thanks again for the present, I really like it, you know I'm wearing it... wait, are you crying dude?!

Nick: *sniffles again and whispers* No...

Kevin: Yes baby, you are. Now what the hell happened?

Nick: AJ... he was... he did... he's being mean to me.


Nick: And I brought Howie this beautiful shirt, and he didn't appreciate it. Oh, and btw, Howie is really a beautiful butterfly, you should see him...

Kevin: Nick, what the hell are yo-

Nick: And I brought them all loincloths similar to yours and they... *stops in the middle of his sentence when he hears AJ and Howie bust into the dressing room*

Kevin: *hears Nick squealing and crying while he hears Howie, apparently sounding like he's struggling with Nick, saying he's not a beautiful butterfly, while AJ keeps screaming out "It's used dude, take it off!!"* Wait... hello? Nick... what's going on?! Someone talk to me!! AJ?!? Howie?!? Brian?!? *faintly hears his cousin scream in the background "I'm not leaving my dressing room!!"* WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?

Operator: I'm sorry, your call has been disconnected. Please try again later.

Kevin: *slams phone down and shifts in his seat* Damnit... *scratches his thigh*

*Meanwhile.... on the set, the photographer stands there with his camera*

Photographer: Well... at least one Backstreet Boys's still posing. *starts snapping photos*

*the monkey the Boys used to replace Nick for the concert is standin there in Nick's loin cloth flexing his muscles*

Brian: *peeks outta crack door of his dressing room* Is the coast clear now?!

Monkey: Ooh ooh ooh ahh ahh ahh!!

Brian: *looks at Bubbles* Oh... you too huh?! *walks all the way out of the dressing room as a blur* What are we?! Animals?!

Monkey: *begins pounding on the ground* OOH OOH AHH AHH AHH AHH!!!

Brian: Oh... sorry.

*Brian's standing next to the monkey*

Photographer: Wait.. Brian? I thought... who's the lil fella next to you????

Brian: Bubbles? He's the monkey.

Manager: Who da monkey?

Brian: Bubbles.

Photographer: I thought Bubbles was Brian.

Bubbles: (wide eyes)

Brian: What?

Manager: The monkey is Brian?

Brian: No the monkey is Bubbles!

Nick/Howie/AJ: *wrestling, roll out onto the set*

AJ: *spots Brian, stops mid-choking Nick* HOLY BRIAN, BATMAN!

Nick/Howie: Brian! (blank face)

Brian: *looks down* Aw MAAAAN!

Photographer: *snaps pix*

*The Boys all form a conga line, led by the Monkey, who does the hand motions.*

Nick: (HAPPY FACE!) This is fun.

Brian: We must be going crazy.

Monkey: Oo- oo- ee- eet- oo-oo...

AJ: 'kay now this is more psychadelic than anything I saw while I was on drugs. Just for the record.

Nick: *sniffs Howie*

Howie: Dude. What ARE you doing?

Nick: Sniffin my pretty butterfly.

Howie: Well, dude, cut it out, man.

Nick: *snifffff*

Howie: ("HUH?" face)

Nick: You smell like.... Pansies.

Howie: Pansies?!

AJ: So many jokes... so little time!!

*they all continue to conga*