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Author's Chapter Notes:

Ok so here's the next...uh installment LOL hope ya'll are enjoying it.

We love reviews....and we'll update soon :D

Brian: Howie...why the hell is AJ wearing a loin cloth?

Howie: Nick told us to wear them as disguises to look for you but then he started following this mythical butterfly and....WAIT!!! That doesn't matter right now....how did you get there? It's not raining anywhere around here?

AJ: Is that all he can tell us? It's raining! What about around him? It's not like he's up in the clouds!!!

Nick: *looks up at the clouds in the sky* Maybe Brian's in heaven? Ohh ask him if he see's my beautiful butterfly!

Howie: Brian's not in the clouds Nick

Brian: There's lots of trees, kinda like a rainforest or something

Howie: A rainforest? How the heck did you get in a rainforest?

AJ/Nick: *WTF look*

Nick: They have beautiful butterflies in rainforest...don't they? Maybe I can find Howie again?

Howie: *sighs* I'm right here Nick

Nick: *sad, almost crying* You're not Howie, you're just someone who looks like him *pokes Howie* and feels like him too *brushes hand over Howie's head*  Howie??

AJ: Can we find Brian? I want to get out of the frickin' loin cloth

Howie: Yes It's really me Nick

Nick: *runs over to Howie and sniffs him* PANSIES!!! Omg it is you Howie! *grabs Howie into a tight hug and bumps his phone out of Howie's hand*

Brian: Guys? Hello? Are you still there?

AJ/Howie/Nick: *they watch the phone drop and shatter on the ground*

Nick: Whoops my bad *grins sheepishly*

AJ: Great one Blondie! Now we'll never find Brian

Howie: *groans and sits down*

Nick: *gasps and looks up* Yes we will! *he rushes back the the roof door leaving Howie and AJ stumbling to their feet after him.


Brian: *hears Nick cry out Howie's name then the disconnected noise is heard through the phone* Guys? Dammit *throws his own phone into the trees then a roaring is heard* Hello? *suddenly a pink elephant stomps out into the open across from Brian* Nice pink elephant?Brian: *staring at the pink elephant* ...........ok.. I don't REMEMBER going out drinking or anything at the after party, but.... CLEARLY I have. I mean..pink elephants...

Pinkie (as the elephant shall be called from here since 'Pink Elephant' is just too long!): *stomps about menacingly on vegetation and stuff*

Brian: *eyes wide open*


Brian: *tries to think of something to soothe the wild beast before him*What would people I look up to do? *imagines various celebs, Bible characters, friends, family, and super heroes in his place* *Remembers Donkey from Shrek* OH MY WHAT BIG EYES YOU HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .............what big PRETTY EYES you HAVE!!

Pinkie: *pauses, about to stomp*

Brian: What big pretty SEXY eyes you have!!!

Pinkie: *lil hearts float all around her head and she swoons*Brian: *stares at Pinkie as he noticed that she all of a sudden entered a weird behavior* Okay.... I'm just.... gonna leave now....

Pinkie: *angered that Brian had stopped complimenting her* MOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Brian: *stares helplessly at Pinkie* Man, what would Nick do?!........

Pinkie: *begins to slam her feet into the ground*

Brian: *smiles brightly as an idea pops into his head* Even in my heart, I see... that you're not being true to me...

Pinkie: *looks at Brian awkwardly*

Brian: Deep within my soul, I feel... nothing's like it used to be...

Pinkie: *begins to swoon*

Brian: Sometimes I wish I could, turn back time... impossible as it may seem, but I wish I could, so bad... baby...

Pinkie: *runs off towards the trees she stomped out of*

Brian: *cautiously turns to try and leave but stops when he sees Pinkie coming back to him*

Pinkie: *hands over what she was carrying with her trunk* RAWR!!

Brian: *looks down at what Pinkie handed him; It was *NSYNC's greatest hits album. It had a heart drawn around Justin's face and the words "I Love Justin Timberlake" written above it.* Um, sorry to burst your bubble Pinkie, but I'm not Justin...

Pinkie: *ques "sexy" music* BOM-CHICKA-WAH-WAH
Brian: *points to something over Pinkie's shoulder* Oh my god it's JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!!

Pinkie: *turns and tramples into the overgrowth, mooing away*

Brian: *sighs* Thank god that worked...*then chuckles* Pinkie, the teenybopper elephant...Justin's BIGGEST fan *throwing the cd away then wiping his hands profusely on his pants he looks around trying to work out which way to go* Left or right? *taps his chin thinking* As Pink Panther would say...hell even AJ....exit stage left even *he walks left pushing large leaves out of the way when he hears Pinkie*


Brian: Oh hell *he dashes into the brush when he slips on the wet grass and the mud collapses underneath him causing him to fall down the mudslide*


Brian: *groans as he sits up in the thick muddy pool* Eeewww grosss....I sure hope Pinkie hasn't been using this as a toilet*  *Brian jumps up and out of the mud and tries wiping off as much mud as he possibly can*


Brian: *freezes then looks behind him. He see's Pinkie glaring at him* I'm sorry Pinkie...I had to distract you because I need to find out where I am so I can get home

Pinkie:  *starts sniffling and wraps Brian up in a tight hug....wiping her trunk on his shirt* Rawr..Mooo...Moo...Rawr...Rawr

Brian:  Uhhh yeah...Pinkie I don't know what you're saying

Pinkie: *sighs and picks up a stick and tries drawing diagrams for Brian*2 Hours later.....

Brian: Uhhhh....

Pinkie:  *grabs Brian and puts him on her back and tramples into the brush hurriedly*

Brian: *squeals in a high pitch girl voice* HELP ME!!! *he sobs as leaves and branches slap him in the face when he hears this*

*Tarzan yell...a pathetic one at that*

Brian/Pinkie: WTF!

Brian: *looks over his shoulder and see's Kevin swinging through the trees on a vine wearing the loincloth Nick gave him* Kevin's so gonna have to do 10 Hail Mary's for just wearing that loincloth...*Brian shudders as the wind blows the front of the loincloth up*

Pinkie: *turns around to see Kevin's crotch and stops* Now thats a pathetic elephant trunk if I've ever seen one

Brian:  *turns to Pinkie* You can talk?

Pinkie:  *talks in thick Jamaican accent* Of course man....with all the ganja I be smokin in da rainforest 

Brian:  Erm can you tell me where I am and where you're taking me?

Pinkie: *See's Kevin swing into a tree and get wrapped around it as he eventually slides down* Yeah man, we in da Amazon Rainforest and I takin ya to da airport

Brian: *hugs Pinkie* Thanks Pinkie...*tries to copy the accent* uh your da bomb...man

Pinkie: *evil glare* Don't try that again man...or I'll eat you

Brian: *shocked expression*

Pinkie: *grins* Kidding *Pinkie walks off towards the airport. Brian turns around wondering if he actually did see his cousin but shakes his head and turns around*

Kevin: *painful expression* Bloody branches...oh my balls....Brian...Brian....BRIAN!!!!Pinkie: *romping along as fast as she can, bouncing Brian like crazy*

Brian: *Turns a greenish colour* Do we hafta go so fast?

Pinkie: Airport only fly once a year!! *pant,pant,pant* Must get before the FFWOOOOOOOOOOM!

Brian: *confused* Um.. OK.

Kevin: *running along behind Pinkie, holding the loincloth down* BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAN !!!! *isn't loud enough for BRok to hear him and continues running along* Man, I should've worn some frickin' sneakers at least!!

*Mission Impossible music plays* 

AJ: *looks at his watch* It's 1:30.

Howie: 1:30...

AJ: What time do you got Nick?

Nick: I DON'T HAVE A WATCH!!!!*music scratches to a stop like a broken record*AJ/Howie: *WTF look*

Howie: Then what good is syncronizing the watches gonna do?

Nick: I dunno. I just always wanted to say that.

*Howie opens his mouth to argue with Nick, but is abruptly shoved against the wall by him instead and is shushed in a loud HUSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH sound. Howie obediantly silences. AJ does, too.*

Nick: *looking around the door frame of the hotel room into the hallway* *looks left, looks right*

*Distant voices can be heard talking by the elevators*


Howie: *Wide eyes* ..........

Nick: I said...................... BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY. ARE. YOU. READY?!

Howie: ...Yeah I guess so.

Nick: BONE! ....................... Are you READY?


Howie: Why doesn't he call you something equally embarassing as "Beautiful Butterfly"? huh??

AJ: IS there anything equally as embarassing?

Nick: LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FALL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *rushes into the hallway, still armed with the hairdryer, flings himself to the floor, rolls a few feet then begins crawling across the carpet on his elbows, dragging his lower body along behind him*

AJ: You're gonna get freakin' rug burn in all kinds of places I don't wanna talk about.


AJ: ...and move it all around...

Howie: *lays down to shut Nick up* He could call you Fluffy Bunny.

AJ: Fluffy Bunny?

Howie: Yeah. Hey Nick... Call AJ Fluffy Bunny, OK?

Nick: He's not Fluffy Bunny, Beautiful Butterfly, silly. *pauses* Dude you guys this is SERIOUS, shut up OK? We gotta find BRok.

AJ: *at Howie*

Howie: *sigh*