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All five of the Boys get sucked into a bewitched video game.
What happens from there?
You tell me...because you get to choose your own path!

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Adventure, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: No
Word count: 22234
Read: 11956
Published: 06/24/08
Updated: 07/08/09

1. Chapter 1 by alota_cookin [ - ] (2491 words)

2. Chapter 2A-The Left Door by AJsKellyMouse [ - ] (2122 words)
Read this chapter if you want the Boys to go through the door on the left.

3. Chapter 2B - The Right Door by rebellious_one [ - ] (3167 words)
Read this chapter if you want the boys to go through the right door.

4. Chapter 3 by alota_cookin [ - ] (2237 words)

5. Chapter 4A: The Blue Jeweled Chest by alota_cookin [ - ] (6285 words)
OMG...it's been WAY too long...but we're BACK! We hope you guys are still interested in the story.
The chapters, this time, are crazy long, but there's a TON of good stuff, in them!
Please let us know what you think...we'd appreciate it!

6. Chapter 4B: The Red Jeweled Chest by AJsKellyMouse [ - ] (5932 words)