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omg! i cant believe it !!I'm on my way 2 the concert ofa lifetime to meet the man of my dreams and i'm in this super amazing airplane! Can you say lifestyles of the rich an famous?The plane ride is gonna be a long one though we have to go all the way to Tampa FLorida which by the way is where Nick is from !I'm gonna get to meeet him my dad says they are all very nice guys! Can you believe it my dad hung out with the backstreet boys with my future husband the fater of my children! Who am i kiddin he doesn't even kno i exsist But he will....

*2 1/2* hours later>*

"I cant believe after all this time they lost out luggage" my dad is yelling now
"michael" my mother says "calm down gettin up set isn't gonna help anything just stay calm and we will all start looking for it"
"sis" dad says "why dont you go check a few carts for our luggage whilei check a few over here"
"ok" and i wander off by myself in search of the luggage.
So anyways as im walking i notice a huge crowd of people over by this loading dock..mostly girls alot of them are my age some older some younger .I couldn't make out what they were saying so i came a little closer.
I hear it all around me i got excited an scared all at the same time my mind is racing an about that time my phone rings my mom found our bags but i could care less i've found my man!But she insisted that i hurry that dad has a meeting with the guys and shania in a couple hours for a soundcheck. So i hesitantly turned away from all the screamin an shouting an started walkin in the other direction when i was plowed straight to the grown by some one twice my size.I was about to start yellin when i look up and see who just plowed through me an i thought to myself i can die happy now! He touched me..Yes that he the one and only Nick Carter! Just walked right into me
"damn, i am soo sorry hunnie I'm runnin round her like a damn fool tryin to avoid the havoc an her a go startn a riot!"
He gave me his hand an like an idiot i just sat there day dreaming staring into those gorgeous baby blues.
Until the sound of Nick singin rockstar baby knocks me rite out of it My phone is ringing and nick is standin right here listening to hisself sing
How funny is that?
I stand up answer my phone and mouth to Nick could he please hold on he smiles and nods and watches me argue with my mom but then Nick realized he had to go so he grabs a pen and some scratch paper that he had in the back pack he always carries and writes ..
Hey girl,
sorry i just realized a gotta meetin in less than 2 hours if i'm late they just mite kill me ..here's my cell # (281)525-6995 call or txt me anytime..but please don't give it to anyone.Love Nick

And then just like that he was gone an i was left standing in a blank stare