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Chapter 3

The next morning, Lexy woke up feeling bloated. That’s what you get for eating so much before going to bed. She reprimands herself then look at the clock on her bedside table. She saw that it’s already nearing 9 but she don’t want to get up just yet. After 5 minutes she was jolted awake by the sound of the birds outside her window. She finally got up then she went to her bathroom to brush her hair and teeth. She then changed to her work out clothes since she’s planning to hit the gym that morning after she has breakfast with the guys. She chose a black track pants and a baby blue sports bra with a large white t shirt over it.

Before leaving she reached the phone and called the reception. She asked them if they could possibly find her a trainer that knows kick boxing and someone she could spar with. The receptionist told her that when they find the trainer they’d ask him or her to call her cell phone if not leave a message in the reception.

On her way out, she tied her hair in to a high pony tail. She then picked up her small duffle bag with her spare shirt, a towel and water bottle inside it. She also grabbed her key card and went out of her room. She met Justin in the hallway also coming down to the restaurant.

“Morning Justin” she greeted.

“Good morning. I was about to knock on your door.” He looked at her noting what she’s wearing. “Going to the gym?”

“Yea, I feel like hitting the gym after breakfast.” They started walking to the elevator that would take them down to the main level. “Where are the guys?”

“Well Trace picked up the guys from the airport then they’d check in before meeting us at the restaurant for breakfast” they both stepped in to the elevator and Justin pressed the lobby.

There were a few fans just outside the door of the hotel lobby and when they saw Justin they started screaming his name and he gave a small wave towards them just to acknowledge their presence without stopping. They went straight to the restaurant but it took them a few minutes to be seated since the restaurant is quite crowded this morning and because they wanted a big table for a party of at least 6 people. When they started walking to their table, there were a few whispers and gasp from some of the table and two teenagers whispered Justin’s name.

She looked at Justin in question and Justin looked back at her with an apologetic grin on his face. She just smiled at him and shakes her head at him. When they were seated on their table it took another few minutes before the waiter could take their order, the waiter also told them that their order would take longer than normal because the kitchen is busy and this caught Lexy’s attention.

“How many staff are there working in the kitchen?” she asked the waiter. Justin looked at her in question thinking why she needed to know this.

“There are three chefs and their two assistants. Then there’s about 4 waiters working today ma’am” the waiter informed her.

“Could somebody please inform Mr Grieves that I need to speak to him as soon as possible?” the waiter nodded at her request. “Thank you”

“What was that about?” Justin asked her when the waiter left their side.

“Oh it’s just some business” she looked around the restaurant observing the room and on how the employee works.

“Have you always wanted to work in a hotel?” Justin looked at her waiting for her to answer his questions.

“Nah, it wasn’t even in my agenda to begin with. It’s my grandma’s business and when she passed away I was shocked that she left it to me. I dint have a choice so I agreed and it is base in America-the place where I want to leave- so I couldn’t argue with that.”

“What’s your original dream job then if not hotel management?” he continued and now pretty intrigue with her life.

“That would be web and graphic designer. You wouldn’t notice but I’m kind of a geek” she laughed.

“You don’t look like it” for some reason he was looking at her more closely than before.

She laughed at what he said but she’s getting a little uncomfortable with the way he’s looking at her. “I’m an undercover geek” she informed him in a whisper “but that’s our secret, shhh”.

They both laugh at what she said, “So how long are you staying here in New York?”

“Probably for a week, I don’t know yet but I’d need that realtor that you have so when I’m ready to go I have somewhere to go home too. What about you, how long are you staying here?”

“About a week as well because it’s the last week I’m working, then I have at least 4 months off from work completely before recording a new album.”

“Really? Cool I’d know someone in Florida. I don’t mean to sound forward or anything else but can you show me around? Wow that sounds like a pick up line” she corrected herself with a laugh.

“Yea I could show you around, it get’s bored when I’m home for such a long time with nothing going on. But I must warn you, hanging out with me has some down side so if you like your bubble…”

The waiter came and placed their food in the table. Then the waiter informed her that Mr Grieves is free to speak to her whenever she’s ready.

“Don’t worry Justin, I’m stronger than you think” they both looked by the door and saw Trace with three guys following him enter the restaurant.

“Hey guys” he greeted when they reached the table.

Before Lexy could greet him back her cell phone rang in her bag and she reached to answer it.

“Hello” she said speaking on the phone.

“Ms Stevenson, this is Gregory Berks the trainer. I would like to know when you are free for the session.”

“Actually if you could make it within 30 minutes it would be great. Is that possible?”

“That’s possible Ms Stevenson, where would you like me to come?”

“You could come in the Hyatt hotel. I’ll leave a message in the reception for you so that they could inform me when you arrive.”

“That’s fine Ms Stevenson; I’ll see you in 30 minutes”

She hangs up the phone and saw the guys staring back at her.

“Sorry that was my trainer” she apologized to the bunch.

“Hi I’m Joey, I don’t believe we’ve met” he extended his hand to her so that she could shake it.

“Sorry, this is Lexy or Lexynne she works here in the hotel and we’ve met yesterday. Lexy this is Joey, Chris and JC.” He pointed to each one of the guys when saying their names.

“Hey” Chris greeted then JC came forward to greet her as well “Hi”

When she looked up she lost her voice and no matter how hard she tries to talk nothing is coming out. Oh crap, I lost my tongue. So instead she just smiled and shook his hand.

“Don’t mind her, she’s a fan” Justin was looking at her with that teasing smile on his face daring her to deny what he’s saying.

“Nice to meet you JC” she cleared her throat then elbowed Justin subtly and smiled bigger when she heard the ‘oomph’ sound that came out from him.

After the introduction, everyone settled around the table and when the waiter came around, they ordered their food. By this time there are a lot of people- mostly younger people- staring at the table in awe. The guys however were seemed to be oblivious from the stares.

“So how do you like New York?” Joey looked at her taking in the way she moves and she noted the manners and the way she spoke which is in British accent.

“It’s ok, reminds me of London, busy and cold weather” she ate her breakfast but answering each question they throw at her with ease.

“Do you know any gym here that we could use?” JC asked her taking the food the waiter was giving him.

“Yea, I’m actually going to the gym after breakfast. I’ll show you where it is if you want” she offered.


They continued their breakfast and waited for the crowd to disappear. Then they all got up and made their way to the gym. Along the way Justin asked Lexy if he could help her carry her bag but she declined and this wasn’t lost from the other guys. It was clearly etched in their faces the confusion and the disbelief that Justin Timberlake is crushing on someone new. They thought that he wouldn’t look at another girl in a long time since his relationship with the famous Jessica Biel ended almost two months ago. It was a terrible time both to Justin and his friends that helped him recover from the break up. For some reason he’s over it now.