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Summary: Taking risk is part of life. Some people say that if you don't take risk you're not living life. Lexynne or Lexy has taken risk since she could remember in life, friends and most of all love but now she's tired of it all coz it always come back biting her in the ass and she have the mark to prove it. Now she must take the biggest risk of all to be with the one person she'd been looking for all her life. Would she, one last time?
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > NSYNC
Characters: Group, Justin
Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: No
Word count: 21692
Read: 31008
Published: 08/01/08
Updated: 10/29/08
Story Notes:
DESCLAIMER: I don't know *NSYNC and have never met them. Ths is just a fiction story. This is my first attempt to write a fanfic so please bear with me. Hope you like it and feedback is well appreciated. Hope you enjoy it.

1. Prologue by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1604 words)
ENJOY! Please write reviews.

2. Chapter 1 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2339 words)
The story is slow going but it should pick up soon.

3. Chapter 2 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1925 words)
Here's Chapter 2 ENJOY!

4. Chapter 3 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1540 words)

5. Chapter 4 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2074 words)

6. Chapter 5 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2289 words)

7. Chapter 6 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2045 words)

8. Chapter 7 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2135 words)
Sorry for the long delay.

9. Chapter 8 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1612 words)
Here is the next chapter. Sorry for the late post, I was busy with Uni work. Tell me what you think.

10. Chapter 09 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1331 words)

11. Chapter 10 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2798 words)
Please leave some Review. Thanks