Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > NSYNC
Characters: Group, Justin
Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: No
Word count: 21692
Read: 31008
Published: 08/01/08
Updated: 10/29/08
1. Prologue by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1604 words)
ENJOY! Please write reviews.
2. Chapter 1 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2339 words)
The story is slow going but it should pick up soon.
3. Chapter 2 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1925 words)
Here's Chapter 2 ENJOY!
4. Chapter 3 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1540 words)
5. Chapter 4 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2074 words)
6. Chapter 5 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2289 words)
7. Chapter 6 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2045 words)
8. Chapter 7 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2135 words)
Sorry for the long delay.
9. Chapter 8 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1612 words)
Here is the next chapter. Sorry for the late post, I was busy with Uni work. Tell me what you think.
10. Chapter 09 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1331 words)
11. Chapter 10 by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2798 words)
Please leave some Review. Thanks