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Ashley couldn’t believe how fast the year was going by. It was almost August and she would be going back to school soon. The year had been uneventful so far. She celebrated her 13th birthday in May and had a party with her friends in California.

Just as she suspected things between her and AJ had changed. He didn’t even come to her party because he said he "had to work", yet Brian and Howie had made time to stop by. He had only come to visit once and even then he wasn’t home much. Every now and then he would send her a new track that the boys had recorded, which was his idea of keeping in touch. She knew from the beginning that things would change, as much as she didn’t want to believe it, but sometimes thing change too much.

Ashley walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She grabbed some cereal, milk and a bowl and plopped herself down in a chair at the table. Her spirits had been down lately and she knew exactly why. It was coming up on the one-year anniversary of her mother’s death. She couldn’t believe that she had made it threw the year without her mom.

There was a memorial being held for the families of the victims of the plane crash that her mother died in. Since Ashley was the only child who lost a parent in the crash they asked if she would say a few words at the memorial. She was so nervous and she couldn’t stop stressing over what to say, but she had finally decided that she would write a song. She had been working on it for weeks and wouldn’t let anyone hear it until she thought it was perfect.

She finished her bowl of cereal and washed out the bowl. She had just settled in on the couch in the movie room to watch a movie when she heard the phone ring. Sighing she got up off the couch and walked back into the kitchen to pick it up.


“Why didn’t you pick up your phone?” Angel asked at the other end.

“Sorry I left it in my room. What’s up?” she hoped up on the counter so they could talk.

“Nothing. I just have a huge surprise for you that’s all.” Angel laughed.

“What is it?” Ashley smiled a little.

“Well. I haven’t seen you since last month and I’m bored out of my mind here in LA since Aaron isn’t around so I’m coming to spend two weeks with you!” Angel said excitedly.

“Really?” Ashley was always lonely when she was in Florida. She didn’t have many friends especially since she was home schooled for the past year. “When are you coming?”

“Tomorrow! So stop moping around and get ready for my wonderful arrival!” Ashley laughed at her friend. She always knew how to make her feel better.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” Ashley smiled as she hung up the phone.


“So when is this memorial thing you were telling me about?” Angel asked sitting across from Ashley on her bed.

“Next Friday. I’m so nervous about it.” Ashley sighed. “I’m so glad you’re here with me though.”

“Is AJ coming from LA?” Angel flipped open a magazine and began looking threw it.

“He’s supposed to fly in on a red eye Thursday night.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

“He was here in May after he ditched out on my birthday party but only for a couple days.” Ashley frowned.

“That sucks. Well you know he’ll make it up to you. They’ve all just been busy. I’ve barely seen Nick and we’re in the same state.” Angel smiled a little trying to make Ashley feel better.

“Yea I guess.” Ashley shrugged.

“Oh my God!” Angel squealed. “Ash look at this!” she handed her the magazine she had been flipping threw.

“What?” Ashley said concerned as she took the magazine from her. “What am I supposed to be looking at?” she said quickly scanning over the page.

Angel moved next to her and pulled the magazine back. “Here look!” she pointed to a picture in the bottom left corner of the page.

“Is that us?” Ashley asked shocked to see herself in a magazine.

“Backstreet Sisters out and about.” Angel read out loud. “Best friends and sisters to the Backstreet Boys, Angel Carter and Ashley McLean arrive at Teen Vogue’s Young Hollywood party in style.”

“Wow, I can’t believe they put us in a magazine.” Ashley said still in shock.

“We’ll I mean c’mon look at us we look fabulous here!” Angel teased. “I’m excited. This is the first time I’ve been in a magazine without my brothers.”

“C’mon let’s go show it to my mo-“ Ashley stopped and corrected herself. “My aunt.”


It was Thursday, the day before the memorial and Ashley was more nervous then ever. She really wanted to make her mom proud with the song that she wrote, but she was nervous about singing in front of everyone. Angel kept reminding her that mostly everyone there were strangers and that if this is what she wanted to do she had to get used to it. Ashley knew it was true but she couldn’t stop the butterflies.

Ashley was trying on outfits and wanted Denise to approve. She was walking down the stairs when she heard Denise on the phone with AJ. She quietly listened outside of the kitchen as Denise argued with him.

“Alex, you can’t do this to her!” Denise tried not to yell at him not wanted Ashley to hear. As much as she loved her son sometimes he was so irresponsible and inconsiderate of others. “You promised her that you would be there. This is very important to her and she wanted you there for support. What am I supposed to tell her?”

Ashley frowned. She knew AJ was canceling on coming to the memorial. She couldn’t believe that he would do this to her when he knew how much it meant and how much she needed him. She continued to listen.

“Alex, I can’t keep making up excuses for you. She’s 13 years old she’s not stupid. Now you’re the one who promised her that things wouldn’t change when you moved but it seems that all Los Angeles has done to you is make you forget about your family and only care about yourself.” She paused for a moment while he spoke then continued.

“Alex you do what you need to do, but after today I’m not making any more excuses for you. You know what it’s like to have promises broken.” Denise took a deep breath and sighed loudly. She was beginning to get fed up with all his excuses. “Alright Alex. I love you too son. Have fun at your party.” She said before hanging up.

“This boy is going to send me into an early grave.” Denise sighed to herself.

Ashley took a breath trying to maintain the tears that wanted to fall before walking in.
“Hi aunt Denise.” She smiled at her. Denise returned the smile. “I wanted to know if you liked this dress for the memorial.” She held up the dress for her to see.

“It’s really cute. Is that one of Angel’s that she brought?” she asked.

“Yea. She said I could borrow it.”

“Well I was thinking maybe once the memorial is over we could go clothes shopping. I know you need some back to school clothes.” Denise smiled.

She knew Ashley would be upset once she found out AJ wasn’t coming. Although a bribe wasn’t the best way to fix it she knew it would work.

“Really? That would be great!”

“Yes. You deserve it. You did really good in school last year and I know starting at a new school can be scary. I want you to look your best.” Denise smiled and pulled the chair out next to her. ”Why don’t you sit and talk for a minute. I have something I need to tell you.”

“Okay.” Ashley frowned slightly and sat down.

“I know this might upset you but I just got off the phone with Alex and he told me that he won’t be able to make it to the memorial tomorrow.” Denise took her hand and smiled a little.

“I know, I heard you on the phone.” Ashley admitted. “It’s okay. I know he’s really busy. It’s no big deal.” She tried not to sound upset.

“I’m sorry that he’s being so self centered but he has to learn on his own.” Denise pushed a stray hair out of her face.

“It’s okay really aunt Denise.” Ashley smiled in reassurance. “I’m just glad that I have you, Angel and Tony there with me. It will be fine.”

“Why don’t you and Angel get changed and we’ll go out to dinner.” Denise said trying to make up for her son.

“Okay. I’ll go let her know.” Ashley said as she headed out of the kitchen. When she reached her room she shut the door and let the tears fall.

“What’s wrong?” Angel asked jumping up from the bed and over to Ashley to hug her.

“He’s not coming.” She said threw sniffles.

“What? Who?” Angel was confused.

“Alex. He’s not coming to the memorial. He has a party or something that he thinks is more important.” She couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “I told him things would change and he promised me they wouldn’t but that’s all they keep doing.”

Angel led Ashley over to the bed so she could sit down and handed her a tissue. Ashley wiped her eyes and sighed.

“Why does he not care how much this means to me?”

“I’m sorry Ash.” Angel hugged her. “I wish I knew why but I don’t. But you have me and your aunt there with you. You’re not alone.”

“I’m so glad that you’re here.” She said as she hugged Angel back. “I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.”

She wiped her eyes again and stood up taking in a deep breath.

“I need to wash my face now.” She laughed a little. “My aunt wants to take us out to dinner.” She smiled a little trying to make herself feel better.

“Dinner it is then.” Angel smiled back as they prepared to leave for dinner.