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Summary: Ashley is just your typical 12 year old girl; young, carefree and happy. Being raised by a single-mom hasn’t always been easy for her. Her mom had to work hard for the little they had, but they had each other and the help from their family.

When her mom is called away on a business trip she is left in the care of her older cousin, Alex, who is on break from recording and touring with the Backstreet Boys. She hasn’t seen him much since he’s been on tour and she’s excited to finally spend some quality time with him. Then the unexpected occurs, and her life is changed forever. Will she be able to move on and create a new life for herself or will all the changes prove to be too much for her?

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Other
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Sexual Assault/Rape, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: A New Beginning
Chapters: 86
Completed: Yes
Word count: 169221
Read: 183628
Published: 09/24/08
Updated: 09/19/09

1. Prologue by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (150 words)
Any and all constructive criticism and feedback are greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.

2. Chapter 1 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (245 words)

3. Chapter 2 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (922 words)
Thanks for all the feedback. I'm just proof reading a few more chapters now and will have more up soon.

4. Chapter 3 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (819 words)

5. Chapter 4 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (771 words)

6. Chapter 5 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1120 words)

7. Chapter 6 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1775 words)

8. Chapter 7 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1104 words)

9. Chapter 8 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (875 words)

10. Chapter 9 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (689 words)

11. Chapter 10 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1546 words)
I know some of these chapters are pretty short but they get longer promise. Keep leaving feedback and keep reading! More updates to come soon.

12. Chapter 11 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1417 words)

13. Chapter 12 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1517 words)

14. Chapter 13 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (923 words)

15. Chapter 14 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1805 words)

16. Chapter 15 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1186 words)

17. Chapter 16 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3803 words)

18. Chapter 17 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3681 words)

19. Chapter 18 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1631 words)

20. Chapter 19 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3514 words)

21. Chapter 20 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3166 words)
The drama starts to unfold...

22. Chapter 21 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2948 words)

23. Chapter 22 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2490 words)

24. Chapter 23 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2467 words)

25. Chapter 24 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1927 words)
thanks to everyone who has been leaving feed back. please leave more good or bad just keep it constructive!

26. Chapter 25 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3497 words)

27. Chapter 26 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1437 words)

28. Chapter 27 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1756 words)

29. Chapter 28 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (5226 words)
this is a really long chapter and Im posting it really late so I havent had alot of time to re read it and check for errors but I will in the morning enjoy

30. Chapter 29 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (5009 words)

31. Chapter 30 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3595 words)
hey guys im so sorry it took me so long to update. I threw my back out on Monday night and I've been in massive pain all week. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and can get more chapters up this weekend. But leave me feedback and let me know what you think of this one. It's a segway chapter to lead into the big drama so it was harder to write at first but I like the way it turned out.

32. Chapter 31 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1753 words)
so at first this was gonna be one really long chapter but i decided to cut it in half so it flowed better so enjoy...it was a hard one to write but I like it.

33. Chapter 32 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2255 words)
This was an emotional chapter to write but I love how it turned out Please leave feedback and let me know what you think.

34. Chapter 33 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2263 words)

35. Chapter 34 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2904 words)

36. Chapter 35 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3174 words)

37. Chapter 36 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1901 words)
wow 2 chapters in 1 day haha only cuzz it was so nicely requested

38. Chapter 37 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2383 words)
sorry this update took forever I had a big project due this week that consumed my life...but the wait was worth it I promise! ENJOY! and please leave feedback on this chapter it was one of the hardest ones i've had to write and i wanna know what more of you guys think THANKS!

39. Chapter 38 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1969 words)

40. Chapter 39 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3100 words)

41. Chapter 40 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1809 words)
sorry this took so long its been a busy week ENJOY!

42. Chapter 41 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1279 words)

43. Chapter 42 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1246 words)
sorry it took a little while the end of the semester is crazy...LEAVE FEEDBACK! this is a good 1 :-)

44. Chapter 43 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1817 words)
I didn't want to leave you guys hanging for to long haha but the next update wont be for a few days(Wednesday most likely) so sit tight and enjoy. Review please! let me know what you thought of AJ's reaction.

45. Chapter 44 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2229 words)

46. Chapter 45 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1803 words)

47. Chapter 46 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2924 words)
sorry for the delay on this one I had a visitor when I returned home from school and I had to show her around the city this past week but im back for good now and excited to write my butt off so enjoy!

48. Chapter 47 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1169 words)
im hoping to write another chapter today but im not sure if Ill get in done in time before I go out to dinner with my family but there will be another chapter up soon sorry this one is a little short...

happy holidays everyone and for those who celebrate christmas have an amazing day tomorrow!

49. Chapter 48 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1750 words)
more tomorrow promise! sorry I've been a little slow with the updates lately, I've been feeling kind of blah but I promise I'm trying to get back to my usual self who updates all the time

50. Chapter 49 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1519 words)
i wont be home for the next few days and I didnt want to leave you guys hanging so heres a new one leading up to more drama

51. Chapter 50 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2381 words)
just wanted 2 thank you all who have been leaving feedback and continue to read hope you had a marvelous new year

Special thanks to Lenni for the feedback on what you would like to see happen because it sparked a great idea.

I'm still taking ideas from people of things you haven't seen happen yet that you would like to so please leave feedback if there is something you want to see becuase I will make it happen :-)

52. Chapter 51 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1636 words)
Thanks to everyone who keeps reviewing, I appreciate it. I'm hoping to get a bunch of writing done this weekend, I know I've been slacking, but I'm trying to update more quickly from now on. Enjoy!

53. Chapter 52 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1998 words)
Thanks so much to everyone who reviewed I really appreciate it!

54. Chapter 53 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2317 words)

55. Chapter 54 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1974 words)
just wanted 2 say sorry for taking so long to update recently ive just been really busy with school and i just started working at a new job so im trying to manage everything as best i can but im trying 2 get better on updating faster but thanks so much for sticking with me!

56. Chapter 55 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1756 words)
ok so this was a really hard chapter to write mostly the last scene. AJ made a small appearance in the chapter but will be more prominent in the next one. Please leave feedback on this one if you can I really want to know what you guys think.

57. Chapter 56 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (4572 words)
longest chapter in a while...let me know what your reactions are :-) hopefully I can write more soon.

58. Chapter 57 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1581 words)
thanks to everyone who has left feed back so far. I'm trying to get as much writing done as I can but I've had a lot of work due lately so it's been slowing me up. Thanks for sticking with me!

59. Chapter 58 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2618 words)
ok so I know this chapter might seem out of context as to what was just going on but I promise everything will fall into place. I'm hoping to have the next chapter done by Thursday and then another by Sunday and then everything will be back on track and you'll get where this chapter fits in but I promise it's not random.

60. Chapter 59 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1627 words)
yay i got it done! next one should be done Sunday/Monday :) enjoy! and thanks to everyone who reviewed the last one I appreciate it!

61. Chapter 60 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2112 words)
a lot of revelations in this chapter and a lot more to come in the next one. More soon hopefully!

62. Chapter 61 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2697 words)
sorry it took so long for this but i have a few hectic weeks at school right now so updates might be slow but I will be updating again later this week...this chapter is complete brother sister time so enjoy! and let me know what you think :)

63. Chapter 62 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2172 words)
sorry it took me so long its been a crazy week...more sometime this week :) enjoy cuz you all have been waiting for this one...let me know what you think!

64. Chapter 63 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1403 words)

65. Chapter 64 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1970 words)
changes changes changes...lol hope u like them

66. Chapter 65 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2127 words)
**Sorry if you guys read this right after I posted I was in a rush and forgot to take out my notes haha thanks for telling me Lenni!its all fixed now :)

hope you enjoy and let me know what you think

67. Chapter 66 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1605 words)
YAY! New Chapter! Let me know what you think please :)

68. Chapter 67 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1917 words)
just a fun chapter to add in something new:) hope you like it

fixed the spelling errors :) hopefully i got them all. I didn't have time to proofread before i posted last night and I was tired.

69. Chapter 68 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1759 words)
hey guys here's the new chapter...hope you enjoy. I'm going to try and post another one in a few days but I have final papers 2 write so I can't promise anything. I never go more then a week though :) but let's hope it's sooner then that! ENJOY!

70. Chapter 69 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1143 words)
sorry it took me so long to get this up. More as soon as possible :) enjoy!!

71. Chapter 70 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1474 words)
sooo sorry this took so long to get up. I was out of town since Thursday and didn't know I wouldn't have internet access.

72. Chapter 71 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1421 words)
been long enough? haha guys im soooo sorry this update took so long...to make a long story short ive been in the process of moving and I'm finally settled and have my internet up and running. hope you all stuck it out with me in my mini hiatus and i promise to never take this long to update ever again :) hope you enjoy! please let me know what you think

73. Chapter 72 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1117 words)
if you didn't notice I numbered the last chapter wrong so this is the new one and the fixed the chapter number on the last one, enjoy :)

74. Chapter 73 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1486 words)
yay for first dates :)

75. Chapter 74 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1289 words)
sorry this took a while i had a little writers block, but i think i have the next few chapters figured out so im gona do as much writing as i can next week.

76. Chapter 75 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1251 words)
enjoy :)

77. Chapter 76 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2034 words)
Im back :) hope you enjoy, i split this one into two parts to make it more fun so I'll do my best to get the rest up by the end of the weekend ENJOY!

78. Chapter 77 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2915 words)
so what's gonna happen at the party? finally time to find out :)

79. Chapter 78 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1259 words)

80. Chapter 79 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2108 words)
Sorry if theirs errors I'm out of town and wrote this chapter on my blackberry...which was a challenge for my thumbs lol but hope you like it :) ill fix any problems tomorrow when I'm home...ENJOY!

81. Chapter 80 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1928 words)

82. Chapter 81 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1245 words)
Updated 8/30/09

I put the date just in case you weren't sure which chapter you had seen last since I havent been updating this close together in a while...

enjoy :)

83. Chapter 82 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1646 words)
Updated 9/2/09

wow two from me in a week? Must be a miracle huh? lol I didn't want to keep you waiting too long.Since I'm adding this one so soon I put the date at the top so just incase someone missed the chapter before that they don't get confused.

84. Chapter 83 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1923 words)
Added 9/08

I'm on a roll with these updates haha...hope u like it :)

85. Chapter 85 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2272 words)
sorry it took a while but enjoy!

86. Thank You! by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (230 words)