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WPHuntedHouse-2.jpg picture by AngelgirlDorough

A new house it's a sign of a new life and a new beginning, but what happens when the old doesn't want to let go and new comes in. Angella Arevir buys a beautiful Victorian house with a dark past.  The house is haunted by a ghost many said was betrayed and its out for revenge; will Angella leave before it's too late or learn to live with a ghost?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Howie
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: Yes
Word count: 3473
Read: 2404
Published: 10/16/08
Updated: 10/21/08
Story Notes:

 Haunted House

By AngelgirlDorough

©Oct. 2008

Disclaimer: This story is purely from my imagination, to celebrate Halloween. The characters is for pure fictional for entertainment purpose only, ok. I do not own Howie D or his houses so please people use common sense. The only name that I own is Angella Arevir, its mine.  Do not take any part of this story if is done its call plagiarism because is mine not yours so do your own, it's easy.

1. Chapter 1 by AngelgirlD [ - ] (2727 words)
Enjoy my first Halloween story as I do a take on the traditional hunted house!

2. Chapter 2 by AngelgirlD [ - ] (746 words)
Feedback is well appreciated!