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Summary: Gabriella Lawson's life is in danger. Now she's on the run and had to hide. But she met the one person that could put her in front of the spotlight for everyone to see... for her enemies to find.
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > NSYNC
Characters: Group, Justin
Genres: Action, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: No
Word count: 29719
Read: 29023
Published: 11/04/08
Updated: 12/05/09
Story Notes:
This story is fiction. Every situation, name and places used in this story is either fabricated or borrowed.

1. Prologue: Welcome to Florida by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1808 words)
Reviews are well appreciated.

2. Chapter 1: Re-instated by Lalaine30 [ - ] (3072 words)

3. Chapter 2: Making friends by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2011 words)

4. Chapter 3: One on one by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2966 words)
Don't forget the reviews. Thank you

5. Chapter 4: Cook out by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2907 words)

6. Chapter 5: More by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2651 words)

7. Chapter 6: Repurcussion by Lalaine30 [ - ] (3786 words)
Sorry for taking it so long to update. I'm writing my dissertation and don't get much time to write.Thanks for waiting tho and enjoy.

8. Chapter 7: Fun for a change by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2513 words)

9. Chapter 8: Almost... by Lalaine30 [ - ] (4323 words)
Sorry took so long.. here it goes. Let me know what you think of the story so far

10. Chapter 9: New York by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2281 words)

11. Chapter 10: Meatballs and a little revelation by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1401 words)