Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > NSYNC
Characters: Group, Justin
Genres: Action, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: No
Word count: 29719
Read: 29023
Published: 11/04/08
Updated: 12/05/09
1. Prologue: Welcome to Florida by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1808 words)
Reviews are well appreciated.
2. Chapter 1: Re-instated by Lalaine30 [ - ] (3072 words)
3. Chapter 2: Making friends by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2011 words)
4. Chapter 3: One on one by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2966 words)
Don't forget the reviews. Thank you
5. Chapter 4: Cook out by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2907 words)
6. Chapter 5: More by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2651 words)
7. Chapter 6: Repurcussion by Lalaine30 [ - ] (3786 words)
Sorry for taking it so long to update. I'm writing my dissertation and don't get much time to write.Thanks for waiting tho and enjoy.
8. Chapter 7: Fun for a change by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2513 words)
9. Chapter 8: Almost... by Lalaine30 [ - ] (4323 words)
Sorry took so long.. here it goes. Let me know what you think of the story so far
10. Chapter 9: New York by Lalaine30 [ - ] (2281 words)
11. Chapter 10: Meatballs and a little revelation by Lalaine30 [ - ] (1401 words)