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Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry I hadn't been able to post sooner. I hope you enjoy the chapter and are still reading!
Chapter Six

Lila watched as a good friend of the family's walked in.

"Hello Lila." Father greeted her.

"Hi Father Martinez." Lila said quietly.

"I'll take Nick and Kevin to the caf for a while so you can visit with Father ok?" Jess asked looking at her worriedly.

Lila nodded feeling trapped but there was nothing that she could do. The three others walked out leaving her alone with Father.

Father Martinez sat down next to her and held her hand.

"How have you been holding up Lila?"

Curling up a bit Lila faced father. He had always meant a lot to her and had been a friend and guide through out her life. He was a kind and honest person and knowing all this right now made Lila feel so low knowing that she was going to have to lie to him. But there was no way he could understand what she had chosen to do. It was his job to forgive but he was still human and she wasn't ready for him to look down on her.

"I still am really sick. I feel weaker everyday but what can I do? I am so angry about what has happened but I guess everything happens for a reason." She said softly unable to meet his eyes.

Father Martinez and Lila talked for a couple of hours. Several times she flinched with pain in her belly and in her heart. Father's eyes were worried as he watched her. He finally left her and she breathed out.

Nick knocked a while later and walked in.

"How was your visit Lila?"

She shrugged the best she could.

"It was hard. I hate lying."

Nick shifted. He didn't know what he could say to make her feel better.

"Would you like for me to read some more to you?"

She smiled a bit.

"That would be really nice."

Nick got the book and sat by the bed.

"Nick?" She asked him quietly.

He looked up and over at her.


"Why do you do this?"

"Do what? Read to you?"

"Yes....no. I mean any of this? Why do you want to come and visit me when you don't even really know me. Why do you read to me and are so nice to me?"

"I don't really know. I guess I feel sorry for you."


"I don't mean it that way! I mean I think it is really unfair what has happened to you. I can tell that you are a good person. You've been really sweet even though you were badly hurt and are so sick."

"I'm just me."

"And you are special. Now can I ask you a question?"


"Why didn't you tell me that you are a fan?"

"A fan of Twilight? I did."

"No, a fan of me and the band."

"How did you find out?"

"I kinda sorta maybe snuck into your I-pod to see what you like."


"Are you mad at me?"


"Well I'm glad you aren't a squealing teeny bopper. That would have been bad for your health."

"Yeah, I guess that's why I didn't scream when you walked into my room."

Chuckling Nick scooted his chair closer. He read to her softly so she wouldn't get a headache. As he got to the scene in the meadow he looked up and noticed the tears falling from her.


"I'm sorry. I'm just so scared. And I hate myself so much. I hate myself so much you don't understand!"

Nick put the book down and took her hand.

"Honey, don't hate yourself. You can't. This isn't your choice. You are dying Lila and you have a chance to save your life."

"But that is so selfish! I should die if my baby is going to!"

"No. That isn't what is meant to happen. Lila God doesn't want you hurting anymore. You've suffered so much already."

"Can Brian come over?"

Nick paused confused then he understood.

"I'll call him and get him over right now." He kissed the knuckles on her hand and went into the hall to use his phone.

He hit the speed dial and lifted the phone to his ear.

"Hey Nick." Brian answered.

"I need a huge favor." Nick blurted not wanting to waste time with small talk.

"Sure, what can I do for you?"

"Can you come to the hospital? Lila is asking for you."

"For me?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, and do me a favor. Bring the rest of the guys."

"Sure Nick."

Nick hung up relieved and sat down again.

"Is he going to come?" She asked opening her eyes.

"Yup, he is on his way."

She smiled a bit.

"If you want, you can read the meadow scene to me now."

Nick laughed and went back to reading. They were both into the book later on when Brian, AJ, Kevin and Howie walked in. The guys watched quietly as Nick read to her. Her eyes were shut with just the slightest hint of a smile on her lips.

Brian cleared his throat making Nick look up.

"Thank you for coming." He told his friends.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Brian." He introduced himself moving closer to the bed.

Lila looked at him a bit wearily then reminded herself why he was there.

"Will you pray with me?" She asked him carefully.

Once again Brian was shocked but he hid it well.

"Sure honey, no problem."

Kevin looked curiously at Nick but Nick just shook his head. He didn't want to have to explain anything to him.

The guys fell silent, lowering their heads as Brian held onto Lila's hand and began to pray with her. The tears began to fall quickly down Lila's cheeks once more and Nick stepped forward to sooth her. Lila and Brian prayed together for over an hour.

"Nick come outside for a minute." Kevin said as they took a break.

Nick followed Kevin over.


"What is going on?"

"She is going to have the abortion." Nick said softly.

Kevin saw the pain in Nicks eyes.

"You have been through a lot being involved volunteering haven't you?"

Nick shrugged glancing back at Lila's room.

"There is just something about her."

Kevin smiled.

"You are changing Nicky. Maybe you are gonna get your head screwed on right and will clean up your act?"

Nick scowled at him.

"I'm not leaving tonight." He said.


"No Kevin. She is having the abortion as soon as they are able to get it set up and I want to be here for her. She is having a hard time with all of this and needs a friend."

"Well you are an adult Nick. I can't stop you."

Nick looked at him gratefully as Doctor Brown and Anita walked over.

"We got the hearing done. They are allowing an abortion to save her life. It is for tomorrow morning at 7."

Nick swallowed.

"I'll be here. I'm staying."

"We already contacted Jessica and she too wants to be here."

"Of course."

"We are going to tell her now." Doctor Brown and Anita walked into the Lila's room.

Nick followed. Taking her hand, he waited as they delivered the news.