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Howie watched his wife pace...probably thinking of how she was gonna murder that girl. He could hear her mumbling to herself. "Querida...?" Krissie stopped her pacing and turned to her husband "Hmm?" "Your pacing...come sit with me." "I was? I'm sorry querido." She sat next to him and sighed "I can't take this anymore, somebody needs to tell him." "Your dying to tell him aren't you?" "Yes...but I know it shouldn't be me." "She should be the one to tell him it's only fair." "I know but how could she do this to him? I thought she was learning to forget about him...about that..." Howie could see her anger was building, Deanna seriously had some explaining to do. "I hate both of them so fucking much right now." He turned her to face him and smiled "What can we do to put your mind elsewhere?" Krissie smirked "I don't know...what did you have in mind?" Howie grabbed her hand and pulled her up "Follow me..." Krissie did as told. She really did need to stop thinking about Nick and Deanna.


I tossed and turned unable to sleep. I layed on my back and stared up at the ceiling, I had just got in hours before. I smiled thinking of how Nick looked before I left, I didn't want to leave but I knew I had to. I sighed and pushed the covers back getting out of bed. I looked over at Brian and reached for my diary that was hidden under my side of the bed. I hadn't woke him up good thing. I walked to the window and sat on the window seat with my knees to my chest and opened the book starting to write...

Dear Diary,

Unable to sleep once again. It could be from the amazing night I had with Nick or maybe it's my mind screaming. Screaming from what? Screaming from everything thats happened these past few weeks. I am really at a crossroads. I want to tell Brian I'm deceiving him but maybe it's better if he doesn't know. It's official Nick is back in my life and I couldn't be happier, not exactly what I had in mind but I guess it's better than nothing. I hated to leave him tonight I really did but I knew I had to.

It's hard to explain exactly what I feel for him. When I'm with him everything just feels so right ya know? Like it's the way things are supposed to be. And then there's Brian...I care for him, love him even but not like Nick. Things won't be peaceful for much longer I know. The truth will have to come out, hopefully I'm strong enough to tell him. I have a feeling Krissie knows. How? I have no idea but she does...Howie too.

I glance over at Brian to see him still asleep and smile then go back to my writing.

If she does know I just hope she doesn't say anything, it should be me to tell him. I am the one cheating afterall. Cheating...such an ugly word, a thing I promised to never do. And what am I doing now? Cheating on my husband. Is it considered cheating if there's no love? I don't know. I could be with Nick now, snuggled against him as I sleep. But for now all I have is Brian, speaking of which I should get back to before he wakes up. We'll catch up soon.

I closed the book and got up quietly putting my diary back in it's hiding place before slipping back into bed. Brian mumbled something and pulled me close to him. I would have loved to be with Nick but snuggling with Brian was never a bad thing.

Nick lay in bed wishing she was still there. He wanted her to stay but knew she couldn't. He turned to lay on his side and looked at the empty spot next to him. Things were going good...great even. Although he couldn't help but wonder if anybody knew about them. Krissie and Howie might...he noticed the way they looked at him when he went to go visit Howie. But the question was how? He didn't need to worry about that right now. He had to get some sleep then maybe he could see Deanna tomorrow and talk her into staying the night. That was his last thought before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.