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Brian woke up to find himself lying on the couch in the back room at the BoneDry, his friends scattered in various uncomfortable looking positions around the room, Joey being the only one who looked like he had gotten more than half an hour of sleep that night (something he probably had). “Youīre awake,” Nick stated, smiling up at him from his position on the floor, where he looked to be sitting mostly on top of JC, who in turn was resting his head on Lanceīs shoulder.

“Hungry?” Chris asked, making an attempt to untangle himself from Justin and Kevin. “A little,” Brian answered honestly, which was followed by the rest of the room informing Chris that they too were hungry. “Fine,” Chris said as he finally got loose and made it to the door. “But donīt you dare start telling anything until I finish making breakfast, or you damn well better not eat anything I make you ever again!” he told no one and everyone as he disappeared into the kitchen.

Ten minutes later they were eating their sandwiches in silence at their usual table in the bar, too hungry to bother with small talk or banter. “So, what happened?” Kevin asked as they were all finishing, and after a few seconds of silence, AJ started talking.

He told Kevin about their plan on how to deal with the situation once they arrived at the alley, who had been located where and for what reason. He was taking his time with the details, but left out most of the waiting period, not feeling the need to go into their methods for avoiding boredom while waiting for a potential killer to arrive.

Brian zoned out as AJ talked, trying to stop the night before from playing out in his mind and failing miserably. Closing his eyes he could still the gun slowly turning towards him, and the loud sound of the shot going off that had haunted his visions. “…shooter” Nick said, bringing Brian back to the conversation as Nick took over the storytelling. It took Brian a moment to realize Nick had picked up from when he had had his vision. Nick told them they had rushed out as soon as Brian yelled, only to see a gun in the womanīs hand. Realizing what that meant, they had both rushed towards the man with the briefcase, just as Brian was running and yelling (he couldnīt remember yelling!) at the woman. They had grabbed the man and tried to get him behind some cover, only to turn and find the woman pointing her gun at Brian, AJ running towards him and Howie quickly disarming her with moves they had no idea he had.

“But who was he?” Joey asked, followed by Kevin asking “who was she?” “He was a witness to a murder,” Nick explained, “a murder she committed”. He quickly told them about how they had asked the man the same question, who was she and why did she want to kill him, and he had told them how he had witnessed her murdering his neighbors one night a few weeks back. The police had tried to place him in protective custody, but he had received a phone call telling him to be at the alley that night, or his family would die. Even though he knew it was a trap, he knew he couldnīt risk his family by telling anyone.

“He asked who we were and how we knew,” JC added. “What did you tell him?” Brian asked. “The truth,” Nick replied. And it had been the best thing they could have said. For even though the man clearly didnīt believe in visions and things like it, he knew that no matter how they knew, they had saved his life. Thinking quickly, they had made a deal. The man would not tell the police about them, other than to say some drunk men had saved his life by loudly interrupting before she could kill him. That he couldnīt describe them, and that they had disappeared back into the club before the police had arrived.

Glad he never had to try to explain what he could do to the cops, Brian got to his feet, wanting nothing more that to go home and sleep for the next week or so. “You know, even with gun and the potential threat to our lives, and Brian looking like the walking dead, this was actually fun,” Justin said as he neared the door. “Heīs right,” AJ added slowly, shrugging. “It could be a career,” Chris added with a smile. “How?” Brian asked, not quite sure he wanted to know the answer. They all looked at each other, raised eyebrows and smirks all around. “I got it,” Nick said, his face one large grin.

“Brian Littrell. Gay psychic!”