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"Measure Of A Man"
Written by Sara(goneplatinum@live.com)
Two Thousand and Nine

As he was about to sing the last verse, Jill nonchalantly reached up and pinched his nose shut, so his voice took on more of a mousy-type squeaky quality. He made a face at her but continued to sing as she giggled. When he was finished, she applauded and laughed wildly.

Nick quirked a brow at her and pursed his lips. “Oh okay, I see how it is. You wanna play, huh?” He sighed. “All right, then, have it your way.”

He grinned wickedly and Jill immediately dropped her hands, clamping her mouth shut as she stared up at his 6’2” frame in bewilderment. Nick cackled evilly at that and drew his hands, curling his fingers up as claws. Like an animal ready to stalk his prey, he smirked and slowly inched in her direction.

“Nick?” Jill squeaked, backing up slightly. “C’mon, Nicky, you know I was only teasing.” She let out a small stuttered laugh, holding her hands up in surrender. “You know, ha h-ha ha?”

Nick blatantly ignored her protests as he slowly edged forward, until she backed into the far wall with a tiny squeak. She grinned meekly up at him and he let out another laugh before he tackled her sides, running his fingers up and down her ribs while she withered and squealed beneath him. He kept up the attack until her head thumped back into the wall and she let out a small, strangled noise.

“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry!” He bent down to kiss her forehead and narrowly missed getting head butted as her head whipped up. She grinned and pinched his nose one last time before tearing off into the bedroom, giggling uncontrollably once again. “You little…”

Nick tore off behind her and found her on the other side of the bed, grinning like mad. She stuck her tongue out at him and he huffed as she danced back and forth, singing in a mocking tone, “Neener neener neener!”

He growled and launched himself across the bed, strewing the sheets and comforter in all directions. She yelped and attempted to make a break for it, but he was much too quick for her. He snatched her up and tossed her headfirst back into the pile of bedding, tickling her sides up and down once again with merciless fervor. She laughed riotously, tears streaming down her face as she unsuccessfully tried to push him away. He smirked devilishly, grabbing her arms and pinning them above her head with one hand as he continued on his attack. His raucous laughter echoed loud above her high shrieks and giggles.


With her laughter ringing like bells deep within his subconscious, the memory faded, and Nick found himself back in the confines of the hospital once again. He set his chin in his hands and sighed as he looked her over. Her body was still mangled and she looked nothing like the Jill in his memory, but the consistent rise and fall of her chest, like clockwork, helped somewhat to ease the slight tension in his mind.

A small smile played at the corner of his lips as his thoughts went back to Jill’s face while he sang that insipid song, the way her head slightly tilted to one side, the dreamy far-away look in her sparkling blue eyes. Sighing again, Nick rubbed his face and stood to stretch the last few hours out of his overly fatigued body.  

“Hey baby,” he said softly, leaning his arms down on the bedrail next to Jill’s head. He reached over and flipped off the harsh fluorescent overhead light, so that there was now just a faint glow from the bedside lamp. Ever so tenderly, he brushed the back of his knuckles across her cheek. He then leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly as he started to sing softly.

I tried to go on like I never knew you. I‘m awake, but my world is half-asleep. I pray for this heart to be unbroken, but without you all I‘m going to be is…”  

His voice faltered and the last word came out as a choked sob. He sucked in a deep shuddering breath as he leaned over and kissed her forehead, whispering “I love you, baby, come back to me.”  
A slight movement jerked Nick back into his right mind. His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced down at Jill’s hand. It’d been palm down just moments before… hadn’t it? Nick sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face wearily. He must be losing his damn mind. He reached out and gently ran the tip of his finger across Jill’s arm. His eyes widened as she flinched at the mere touch.

“Holy shit.” he whispered, jumping back, crashing into the bedside table.

A young nurse peeked into the room, a look of concern on her face, and asked, “Nick, are you okay?” His mouth opened, trying to find the words to say, and his just pointed at Jill, his face stricken with fear. The nurse frowned and went over. She busied herself for a few minutes, checking and rechecking Jill’s vitals, until she beamed up at Nick. “I think she’s trying to come back to us.”

“What!” he shrieked, voice high. “Seriously?” He heaved a great sigh of relief and gave the nurse a pained look. “So I-I didn’t do anything wrong?”

The nurse laughed and shook her head. “Earlier this morning, the doctor gave us the okay to lighten the sedation. She’s coming around. This is a good thing.” She patted Nick’s arm reassuringly. “We’ll keep a close eye on her and if her vital signs stay like they are now, I’ll give respiratory a call so we can get her off the vent for good.”

Nick watched in shock as the nurse left. For good. He repeated the two words over and over in his mind as the consistent pounding that had plagued him for god knows how long suddenly lessened to a dull roar. His body felt light and airy, as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off his shoulders. She was going to be okay. His baby was coming back to him and everything was going to be as it had before.

He heaved a sigh of relief as contentment washed over his body. He flopped back into the recliner, beaming to himself, as his body slowly relaxed and exhaustion over took him. “For good,” he murmured, eyes falling shut as he drifted into a peaceful rest.