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ONE MONTH LATER (at the gym with sarah)

“He was talking about marriage about a month ago.” I said to Sarah as we stepped onto a couple treadmills next to each other.
“Really? How come I am hearing about this now?” We turned on the machines.
“Well, it’s been so crazy, trying to work out a system with the baby. We’re going absolutely nuts.” She laughed.
“Oh my God, look what’s on!” I looked up at the TV and it was the boys’ BEHIND THE MUSIC special on VH1.
“Oh, God…I hope Alex isn’t watching.”
“Yeah, you were pissed that day or something…” Sarah and I giggled.
“Alex won’t look at it that way though…Even though things are fine now, he’ll freak out and get pissed off.”
“Oh well, he’s always been a baby about that stuff.” I hit her playfully. We looked back up to the TV, and before I knew it they were to my part.


“Mary, why did you and AJ break up?”
“He was drinking too much. He started at a young age…” Then it flipped back to AJ.

“I started drinking when I was about 15…And for awhile I stopped when I dated Mary, but I couldn’t keep that up anymore.” Then back to me.

“Do you still talk?”
“Heck no,” I laugh. “We haven’t spoken in quite some time. I don’t plan on it either…We’re just better off not being together or around each other. I mean look what he did to Sarah; I don’t want that to happen to me. I got lucky.”


I got off the treadmill and we left.

“Mary, I’m sure he won’t care…” Sarah said as we got into my car.
“Yes he will, I know him Sarah.”
“Well look at it this way, you’re a sexy beast now. You’ve lost all of your baby weight and then some.” We laughed and when we got to my house we said goodbye and she went back to her house. I walked in and AJ was sitting on the couch with Alexander…still watching VH1.

“Hey baby…” He said looking up at me with a smile. Maybe he just turned it on. “You looked nice on the interview.” Crap…
“Oh, you saw that?” I shut the door and put my gym bag down and wiped my face with my towel.
“I did…” He stood up and gave me the baby. “He’s been fed, so he needs to be burped.” I put the baby over my shoulder gently and pat his back a little.
“Are you mad at me?” I asked as I followed him into the kitchen. He went in the fridge and pulled out a coke, opened it, and took a sip.
“I can’t be really…If I had seen that a year ago, I would have hated you.”
“Look…” He walked to me. “I understand how mad you must have been with me. What I don’t understand is why you felt you needed to tell all of America that. You can’t take it back and now every time that plays and we’re on tour again…Fans are going to be upset with you.” I nodded.
“I know, I know! I hate that I said that stuff now…but like I ever even imagined that you and I would get back together and have a baby.” He put his drink down and put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him and kissed me.
“It’s ok…” He put his forehead against mine. “We don’t need to listen to anyone else but us. We know we love each other, so they all will get that. It’s a mistake. We’re all allowed them ok?” I agreed and he gave me a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll put him to bed, ok?” He took the baby and went into the room with him while I went to the couch and sprawled out on it. I felt myself doze off when AJ decided to lay on top of me.
“What are you doing?” I asked him.
“You looked so sexy just lying here, so I had to.” He kissed my neck and shoulders and got off me. I sat up and he sat back down next to me and put his arm around me and had me lay down on his lap. He touched my stomach and I got chills and Goosebumps. “How was the workout?” I shrugged.
“No different than any other time, I think I’m going to stop going though.” I said as I sat up.
“Well I don’t need to anymore; I’ve lost more than I wanted to.” I got off the couch and stretched my arms up and he got up too and put his arms around me and he started to tickle me and I laughed and tickled him back.
“You look amazing though.” He looked at me up and down. “Almost glow worthy.” I put my arms around his shoulder and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.
“Baby, I am glow worthy.” He raised an eyebrow at me and embraced me.
“I’d have to agree.” He kissed me again. “Mmm, you taste good today.”
“Thank you. You always taste good.” I let go of him and walked by him and smacked his butt.