Lance and Justin’s explanation of events.
Part 11.
Since AJ had refused to speak Justin sat nervously on the witness stand, wondering how he would explain the situation. His heart pounded in his chest as he looked around him and felt everyone watching him, nervously wanting his answer.
“Mr. Timberlake?” Mr. Haulm interrupted his thoughts and Justin was brought back to the present.
“Yes? Sorry, what?” Justin asked confused as to what the lawyer had just asked.
“You were unaware that Mr. Carter was allergic to...” Mr. Haulm said pausing and checking his notes, “Mushrooms?”
Justin nodded and looked at the lawyer. “Um yeah, I mean the dude had never said anything to anyone about it, ever. So we didn’t know,” Justin replied and Mr. Haulm nodded.
“So the food that was given to Mr. Carter contained mushrooms, is that correct?” Mr. Haulm asked and once again Justin nodded.
“Yeah, it did,” Justin said and glanced at Lance who was looking at him intently.
“So what you’re saying is that it was an accident that Mr. Carter died since you did not know about his allergy to mushrooms and gave him food containing that ingredient correct?” Mr. Haulm asked to which Justin just nodded. “Then how come you did not hear his cries of refusal?”
“Well,” Justin said wondering how he would explain that Nick couldn’t really speak. “His vocal cords were still healing.”
“Healing?” Mr. Haulm asked raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah from the operation,” Justin said.
“What operation would that be Mr. Timberlake?” Mr. Haulm asked now very interested.
“Well, here’s the thing. Nick and Lance both had operations on their vocal cords so that they would be able to sound like each other,” Justin replied quickly as Mr. Haulm referred to his notes, in case he’d missed something.
“But there is no record of Nick ever going for an operation,” Mr. Haulm indicated pointing to his papers and Justin sighed.
“Yeah, that’s because he didn’t go to a hospital. I did the surgery myself,” Justin replied bowing his head, the whole room gasped.
“You performed surgery without a licence?” Mr. Haulm asked shocked and Justin nodded.
“Yeah, but I got the instructions on how to do it off the internet,” Justin tried to reason but Mr. Haulm shook his head.
“No wonder there was such a wide spread sign of infection in Mr. Carter’s throat according to the autopsy. So if you add that and the allergies, no wonder he died,” Mr Haulm stated.
“Yeah no wonder,” Justin sighed; he knew then that his life was over.
“So how did you find out that Mr. Carter had passed?” Mr. Karma was now asking Lance who had taken the witness stand. Lance sighed and rolled his eyes. Mr. Karma was supposed to quit this week but once the new developments in the case became clear he decided to stay, to get the publicity, not for Lance.
“Timberlake called me,” Lance replied shortly and glared at Justin who rolled his eyes at Lance.
“And was Mr. Timberlake panicked, as he said he was?” Mr. Karma asked, Lance nodded.
“Yeah, he freaked out,” Lance replied, “He was about to have a hernia.”
“And what did he say he was going to do with the body?” Mr. Karma asked pacing in front of Lance.
“Well…” Lance began and paused wondering how he should tell the world, it was his idea to dispose the body. “He wasn’t going to do anything, as you know.”
“But Mr. Timberlake wanted to go to the police correct? Is that not what he stated earlier in court?” Mr. Karma asked gesturing to Justin, Lance nodded, “Then why did you say he didn’t want to do anything?”
“Well I don’t know,” Lance sighed, “He thought it would be better to call the cops but I decided otherwise. I told him he would be dumb to do that and that we should just dump the body and let some one else find it, I was trying to save his ass.”
“But instead you didn’t..” Mr. Karma began, “In fact weren’t you the ones to drop in the anonymous phone call to the police to tell them where the body was?”
“No,” Lance said shaking his head. “That was Justin’s bright idea, he decided to make the tip off, much against my wishes.”
“Well at least he had the decency to call someone,” Mr. Karma muttered under his breath hoping no one would catch it but the judge did.
“Mr. Karma, please respect your client!” The judge snapped looking sternly at the lawyer.
“Yes your honour,” Mr. Karma mumbled in reply then turned back to Lance. “Mr. Bass after the police picked up the body, and Mr. Littrell had confirmed it was Mr. Carter why did you move the body?”
Lance went silent for while not knowing what to say. “I didn’t want us to get caught,” Lance replied slowly glancing at Justin who just shrugged.
“But you were,” Mr. Karma pointed out. “In fact it was because Mr. Littrell did some snooping around that you were caught, correct?” Lance just nodded, he did not know what to say.
“Yes,” Lance mumbled under his breath and it was then that he too realised his life was over.
“So Mr Timberlake, what did Mr. Bass say to you once you called him with the information that Mr. Carter had died?” Mr. Petter asked his client.
Justin twitched in his seat and looked at his lawyer. “He told me that it was good Nick was dead, that way we could get on with our plans without being discovered and if we were found out he would take the blame. Then he said to dump the body in a ditch for the cops to find and leave it at that,” Justin replied sheepishly.
“But you didn’t right?” Mr. Petter asked looking at Justin, Justin shook his head.
“No, I mean I couldn’t I felt guilty as shit. I mean come on I had just killed someone, by accident, so I made a call to the police telling them where to find the body, I didn’t think Lance would find out but he did,” Justin replied quietly.
“And what happened when he found out?” Mr Petter asked.
“He called the morgue and pretended to be Nick’s twin, saying the family wanted the body moved,” Justin said.
“What about the list? And how did he know about the death as he told the police?” Mr. Petter wanted to know.
Justin sighed, “He told the cops that Brian had called him and informed him and once they moved the body to the morgue he told them to make sure no one but him and Mrs. Carter were allowed to view the body.”
Mr Petter raised an eyebrow at this, “And they agreed?” Justin nodded.
“Yeah I guess,” Justin said shrugging, “I mean they figured he was truly who he said he was.”