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Alex jumped up when he heard her name. "Is my mom alright?!"

"She's stable right now. We had to perform a triple bypass. We had to do it right away, that is why we weren't able to come out and speak with you just yet. Right now, she's in her own room, room 334. Honestly, I think she'll be fine. But, of course there's always that chance that she won't."

Alex nodded his head and I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. When I did, he put his arms over mine.

"Is she awake doctor?" Tony asked as he walked closer.

"Right now, she's in an induced coma. You may go see her, but she won't be responsive until she comes out of it. It could take anywhere from a few hours...to a few weeks."


I jumped back when Alex yelled, I knew better than to touch him when he's upset.

"Yes. We had no choice in this. We did it to give her a better chance at saving her life."

He looked at Tony and then back to the doctor, "So..there's a chance she won't wake up?"

"Well, yes..but that's unlikely."

"I want to see her.'' Alex pushed past the doctor and ran to her room.

I thanked the doctor and chased after him. I didn't know what he would do or how he'd react to seeing Denise in the room. When I got to the room, I saw him leaning against her door, he hadn't gone in yet.


He opened his eyes and looked at me. "I can't go in. i can't look at her like that."

"You want me to go with you?"

He nodded and took my hand. I led him in the room and heard him gasp when we were close enough to see her. She had an iv in her arm, a breathing tube in her nose, and machines beeping around her. I turned around when I heard the door open, and saw Tony.

"I have to go fill out the paperwork for her. I just had to see her before I could."

I smile and squeezed his arm as he walked by me. He sat at her bed for a minute before he left to fill out her papers. After he left the room, Alex inched closer to her. When he got to her bed, he sat on the edge and kissed her cheek.

"Momma? Walk up mom. Please." His eyes were swollen from his tears.

I pulled a chair close to the bed and sat with them, "Denise? You have to wake up soon. We have wonderul news to tell you."

"Yeah momma, I asked Meggie to marry me. She said yes...mom?"

He sighed and stood up. I watched him as he walked over to the machines to see what they said, then he snooped in her chart hanging on the end of the bed. Once he looked it over, he put it down and walked out of the room. Not saying a word.

"Denise, please wake up. I'm getting worried about him...I'm gonna go find him, and make sure he doens't do something stupid, but we'll be back in a little bit. We love you mom." I said as I stood up to go find Alex before he did something he'd regret.

I got outside the room, and didn't see him. So I walked down the hallway, to the elevator, and got out on the first floor. I was looking all around the lobby. I was just about to walk out the door, when I spotted him in the gift shop. I walked in and he saw me. He walked to me and I pulled him in for a hug.

"Babe, why did you just leave like that?"

"I can't handle seeing her like that. So I came down her to buy her gifts. Look what I've got."

He pointed over to the counter and I saw the pile of stuffed animals and flowers for her room. I walked to the counter with him while he paid. The girl who took his credit card flashed him a whorish smile when she saw the name on it.

"Can you sign this reciept please Mr. McLean?"

'Ugh. She was flirting with him while I'm standing right there. My arm was around his waist and she's flirting with him?' I thought to myself as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Here you go." He said with a smile as he handed the store's reciept copy back to her.

I let go of him so I could help him carry the things up to her room. While we were walking out, the girl stopped Alex and whispered something in his ear. I saw his face fall, and walked back to him. He mouthed to me that she was flirting with him so I decided to handle it for him.

"How dare you."

"Excuse me?" She said, while she stuck her nose up to me.

"His mother just had a fucking triple bypass, and you are trying to get with him in the hospital while his fiance is standing right here?"

"Fiance?" She said it with such disgust and hate, I could feel my anger rising inside me.

Just as I was about to blow, Alex wrapped his free arm around my shoulders and led me out.

When we got in the elevator, I kissed his cheek, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For making a scene with that girl."

"It's ok baby. I like that you're so protective of my feelings. It makes me love you more." He said as he kissed my lips softly.

When the doors opened, we walked back into Denise's room and saw Tony sitting with her, then we heard voices. We heard two voices speaking. One of them was Denise's. When Alex heard his mom speaking, he dropped the stuffed animals on the floor in front of her bed and rushed over to her.


He hugged her as tight as he could without hurting her. "Hi baby boy."

"Are you ok?! Do you need anything?!"

"Alex, calm down. I think I'm fine. I'm waiting on the doctor now to come speak with us."

Alex sat down in the chair, grinning. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hi Denise." I smiled, "I'm glad you're alright. You had us all worried sick."

"I'm fine Megan. Thank you for making sure my boy didn't do anything stupid."

"You're welcome. Wait, you heard me?"

"Yes. I did."

Alex looked at her and asked, "Did you hear everything we said?"

"No. Why should I have?"

I looked down at Alex and he smiled at me. "Mom? We have something to tell you."

"Why am I nervous about this?"

"I asked Meggie to marry me..she said yes!"

"Alex! Megan! Oh that's great! I'm so happy for you! Have you set a date yet?"

"No we haven't Denise. We were only engaged for 12 hours before we got the call from Tony..but now everything's good."

"I'm so glad you two are finally with the one you belong with."

We talked for a few more minutes, until the doctor came in and informed us visiting hours were over. We left so Denise could rest, but promised to be back in the morning. As we were leaving the hospital, we saw the rest of the guys walking in. We told them she was fine and that we were going to stay at Kat and my apartment that night.

We invited everyone to stay with us, let me just say, it was crowded. Eight adults and one child in a two bedroom apartment. By the time Alex and I got everyone situated, we were so exhausted we fell asleep on the couch together.