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"Meggie..how long have you been getting sick?" LeighAnne asked as she looked at me.

I looked up at her, horrified when it hit me. "Oh my God." I whispered then immediately covered my mouth with my hands.

"Sweetie, let's get you up and on the couch." LeighAnne helped me stand up and walked me to the couch. After we sat, she started asking questions.

"How long have you been getting sick?"

I lowered my head and spoke quietly, "Four or five days."

"And..have you.. when was your last period?"

"I don't even know when my last one was...I thought it was just from stress or something."

"Megs, do you and AJ use protection? Are you on birth control?"

"Yeah I am."

"Do you use any other protection?"

"No." I said and shook my head. "We thought birth control was the protection. I don't mean to mead graphic here, but to us, it's more intense without a condom."

"Well, you know..I hate to say this, but birth control is only 99.9% effective. Somebody has to be that .1%."

At that moment, I was positive I was pregnant. As I was beginning to cry from being scared, I heard the guys coming back onto the bus. I was wiping my face as Alex sat next to me on the couch with our food and drinks.

"Meggie? What's wrong baby?" He said and wiped a tear away with his thumb.

"N-nothing sweetie. I'm alright."

"Then, why are you crying. You know you can't lie to me babe."

"I know." I nodded and looked around. I saw LeighAnne and Kat taking Brian and Nick off the bus. I'm sure they'd explain outside.

I could see the fright in Alex's eyes, as I looked up at him. I felt my eyes begin to water again and reached up to cup his face in my hands. I pulled his face forward and gently kissed his lips, softly flicking my tongue against his. When I pulled away, I smiled. "I just wanted to kiss you..I just hope..I hope you don't get mad."

"Mad at what baby? I couldn't be mad at you." He said as he pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"You will be when you hear what I have to tell you." I looked down and stared at my hands.

He lifted my chin, "Meggie?"

"Alex. I'm..we're-" I closed my eyes, "I'm pregnant."

I slowly fluttered my eyes open, and looked up at him. He just stared at me. Then, grinned bigger than I'd ever seen.

"Are you..really?!"

I bit my bottom lip and nodded.

"BABY!" He grabbed me and hugged me tight, then picked me up leaned down to kiss me.

"So, you're not mad?"

"God no! Baby, I love you! I'm ecstatic! How far along are you?"

"I don't know. I need to go to the doctor and find out."

"We'll go tomorrow. I'll take you, it's out day off. Then, when we get home, we'll find a permanent doctor."

I grinned and jumped into his arms. I was so relieved Alex wasn't mad. We walked off the bus together, and told the rest the news.

After the congratulations and hugs, we went back to the bus for the ride to the next city. Everyone volunteered us to have the bedroom that night, so we could celebrate our news. We spent the entire night making love. After convincing Alex that he wouldn't hurt the baby. After our last round, we laid there together.

Alex spent hours rubbing and talking to my stomach.

"Alex. You're gonna make the baby like you more." I whined

"Naw, but I am gonna spoil her."

"Her? How do you know it's a girl?"

"I don't. But I hope it is. One just like you. And then, maybe Kat will get pregnant soon, and have a little boy. And they can have a story just like ours." He smiled, and kissed my hand.

"That sounds nice. Although, I hope our daughter admits it and doesn't take forever to realize how she really feels."

"Yeah. He might appreciate that. But, he might also want to admit the same thing. And not be so stupid and make the mistakes his father did."

I looked up at him and kissed his cheek, "Baby. You aren't stupid. You made some mistakes, but everybody does."

"Yeah. I just hope I don't screw this up."

"Being a father?"

"And a husband. Have you thought about a wedding date?"

"Yeah. I wanted to be married before we started a family. But, we're a little late for that." I chuckled.

"I have an idea."


"Let's get married next week."

"Next week?!" I jumped up in bed and looked at him like he was crazy.

He smiled and kissed my neck. "Yes. Let's do it. We can go home and have a small wedding. With just our family and close friends. Kat can be you maid of honor, and the girls can be brides maids. The guys can be my best men" He chuckled, "And Baylee can be the ring bearer. It would be perfect!"

"Except I don't have a dress!"

"We'll find you one. You know you love me!"

I giggled as he started tickling me. After a few minutes he finally stopped and allowed me to think. After a minute or two,I realized I felt the same way he did. I didn't care where or when our wedding was. I just wanted to be his wife.

I grinned, "Alright. Next week."

We kissed each other with a passion that couldn't be fought by anthing in the world. As we laid there talking, I realized I wouldn't be able to dance anymore.



"You guys are gonna have to replace me for the tour."

"Oh yeah." He said sadly. "I don't want to!"

I laughed, "But, you're gonna have to. Just make sure it's not a whore that tries to take you from me."

He chuckled softly and kissed the back of my hand. "Ok baby. I promise."