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Later that night AJ found himself alone in his hotel room. They had all split up after lunch and AJ had opted to return to his hotel room to watch movies and relax. Nick on the other hand had left as soon as the other guys had left the table, not even bothering to tell AJ where he was going. Whatever, not like he was Nick’s keeper anyway.

AJ sat quietly on the hotel room bed checking his messages. Nothing from Nick so far. It had been quite the eventful day. AJ couldn’t believe Kevin had come back. It felt good to have them all reunited again. He had forgotten how much he had missed the older man until he stepped into the café. This was one of the most exciting surprises they could have gotten. He shook his head. Nick was a mess. He had barely spoken a word all through lunch and AJ could tell he was shaking as they sat there making small talk. He could tell that Kevin’s return had really shaken Nick.

AJ sighed and threw himself back on the bed. He stared at the ceiling and tried to calm his thoughts. He knew whatever was going on between him and Nick was never going to work. If he had been asked yesterday he could honesty admit that there was something between them, something that could really work. After last night with Brian and seeing Nick react so strongly to Kevin just showed that they were both too hung up on other people to have something healthy together, and AJ was tired of unhealthy relationships. It wasn’t fair but he didn’t know how to explain this to Nick without having to admit to his feelings for Brian. He just didn’t want Nick to know. They were none of Nick’s business anyway. He wanted to keep his feelings for Brian protected, not exposed for the world to see and mock him and he knew that’s exactly what would happen if Nick knew.

AJ jumped as he heard the door slam open and hit the wall with force. Nick stumbled in barely able to stand on his own two legs. AJ could smell the alcohol as soon as Nick entered the room. It filled the air and made AJ feel like he was suffocating. It turned his stomach and he wanted nothing more than to bolt from the room and get away from the smell. Nick staggered towards the bed and plopped down beside AJ. He tried to hug the older man but AJ would have none of it. He tried his hardest to push Nick away from him but the blonde was much bigger and stronger than he was. Nick moved closer to AJ and dropped an alcohol laced kiss on his mouth making AJ squirm and scared as he continued to push the heavier man off of him. Nick was stronger than AJ any day, but when he was drunk he was like dead weight that refused to move.

Nick chuckled and continued his hold on the other man. AJ was beginning to get pissed off. He couldn’t believe Nick had went out and gotten smashed. This only cemented in his mind that they would never work. Kevin had only been back for less than a day and it had already begun to throw Nick off the deep end. AJ couldn’t remember the last time he saw Nick this drunk and out of it. There was no way that Nick could feel anything for him and still manage to get this worked up the night Kevin returns.

AJ thought for a moment and using all of the strength that he could summon he managed to shove Nick off of him and on to the cold hard floor. He fell with a loud thud and shot AJ a dirty look. “What the fuck did you do that for J?” he demanded from his place on the floor.

AJ jumped off the bed and began pacing the room in an attempt to keep his anger under control. He wanted to hit Nick in the face and if he didn’t calm down he was afraid he would do just that. That would be interesting trying to explain why Nick’s face would be bruised. He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes at Nick’s actions.

Nick jumped off the floor uncoordinatedly with limbs everywhere while trying to steady himself. He stood in AJ’s face seething with anger. He glared at the older man before shoving him slightly causing AJ to stumble backwards and hit the wall.

AJ snapped and shoved Nick back twice as hard sending Nick crashing back to the floor.

“Whatever we had here is done. I’m not putting up with this shit from you. You will not treat me like some little bitch, like your own personal punching bag. You need to get yourself under control before you really piss me off. I should have known that Kevin coming back here would make things hard and this would end, but I fooled myself into thinking you actually cared. In reality all you care about is yourself. That’s very apparent from your actions tonight. I won’t deal with this. I will not hang around here while you decide to treat me like shit too.” AJ managed to shout at the blonde before spinning on his heel and leaving the room.

He slammed Nick’s hotel room door as he left desperately trying to control his anger. He needed a drink. Fuck. That’s all he could think about. He needed the sweet release that he could only find in alcohol. He was done with that though. He couldn’t have that anymore. He needed to figure out a less destructive way to calm down before he put his fist through a wall. He slumped against the wall and tried to get himself to calm down. He thought for a moment before he came up with a plan. Maybe he could work off some of his anger and aggression. He was sure the hotel had a weight room, plus no one would look for him down there. He could finally have some privacy. He checked his pockets for his room key and set off towards the stairs. This was going to be a long night.