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Once inside the hotel he grabbed his room keys from Kevin and made his way to the elevator. Brian stood in the hallway struggling with the baby and all of the bags needed to go to his room. AJ quickly hurried over and lifted Baylee out of Brian’s arms. Brian smiled sheepishly and grabbed the falling diaper bag moments before it hit the floor. Brian smiled sheepishly, “Thanks I’ve just not quite gotten the hand of needing four hands and only having two.” The elevator opened and they stepped inside. AJ pushed the button for their floor and leaned back against the wall.

AJ smiled back and nestled Baylee closer to his chest. He was almost three months old and AJ was becoming more and more attached every day. He loved being with Baylee. He loved holding him and singing him to sleep at night. He just had to fight Brian really hard for the chance to be with him. It took his breath away at how perfect he was. He smiled down at the sleepy child wishing he could be the only other parent he would ever need. Brian leaned against the wall trying not to fall asleep; he could barely keep his eyes open. He smiled at the sleepy man. He was starting to love him more and more every day. It was quite the dangerous combination.

The elevator opened at their floor and they shuffled out into the hallway. Once they reached Brian’s room AJ took his keycard and opened the door allowing Brian to enter. He followed close behind and set some of the bags down on the nearest chair. Brian threw himself face first down on the nearest bed and groaned out a sigh. AJ smiled at the sight and thought for a moment.

“Hey Bri. I’m not really tired How about you let me take Baylee with me to my room and you can take a nap in here.” AJ said looking carefully at Brian. Brian sat up on the bed and shook his head. “I couldn’t ask you to do that. He’s my son. It’s my responsibility to take care of him.” Brian said rubbing his eyes and trying not to yawn and show how tired he really was. He couldn’t believe how sweet AJ was being all of time.

“You didn’t ask. I’m offering. You’re exhausted. You’re doing the job of two parents and a superstar. There is no reason I can’t help out. You have to let me help you. You cannot keep going on like this Angel. You’re going to run out of steam somewhere along the track. I like to do this, I want to do this. Please let me help.” AJ said placing his hand on Brian’s shoulder. Brian sighed and then nodded.

“Okay. If you’re sure, but I owe you. I don’t want to use you as a free babysitting service.” Brian said softly. AJ nodded and sqeezed Brian’s shoulder in response. He had to get away from this man before he did something totally stupid. He grabbed Baylee’s toys and diaper bag and waved quickly to Brian as he left the room.

He loved being able to help out. He loved feeling like Brian needed him. He closed Brian’s door quietly and turned to see Nick standing in the middle of the hallway staring at him. He pulled Baylee closer to his chest and wrapped the blanket closer around him.

“Well aren’t you just the little family man.” Nick said sarcastically rolling his eyes. AJ gritted his teeth and quietly counted to ten to keep from going after him. “Get over it Nick. I’m trying to help Brian out so he can take a nap so back off.” AJ said angrily.

Nick nodded. “Uh huh. I thought that was what Rachel was for.” He shook his head slowly.”He’s never going to love you back you know. He’d never risk everything to be with you now that he has Baylee to think about. Plus, he’s not gay.” Nick said laughing.

AJ closed his eyes and willed himself not to punch Nick in the face. “I’m not going to stand here and do this with you. You’re pissed. I get that, but me wanting to spend time with Baylee has nothing to do with this. At least I’m willing to help my friend. How many diapers have you changed? How many times have you stayed up with him when he can’t sleep and sing him to sleep?

I do everything I can because I care about Brian and it’s shitty he has to try to do all of this on his own. So what there is a nanny. She’s only supposed to be used when we’re not here. Pardon me if I don’t want to be an asshole and I want to spend my free time with my nephew. Now get out of my fucking way before I punch you in the face.” AJ spit out, his eyes flaring.

Nick glared back but moved so that AJ could get past him. AJ was thankful that Baylee had not gotten fussy during his encounter with Nick. The man could really piss him off sometimes. He finally made it to his room and safely closed the door behind him.

He put all the bags down on the floor and sunk down on the couch with Baylee in his arms. He stretched out on the length of the couch and Baylee curled up on his chest, content to lay there with him. He shouldn’t have to explain his love for Baylee. The rest of the guys should feel the same love for him.

So why was he the only one who wanted to spend all of this time with him? He stared down at the baby on his chest that was kicking his arms and legs back and forth smiling up at AJ. Baylee melted his heart every time he looked at him. He only wished he could melt Brian’s heart as well.

“I love you, do you know that?” AJ said smiling at Baylee. He ran his fingers through the springy blonde curls the way he did to Brian. They both seemed to like it the same way. “I do. I love you more than almost everything in the world. The only thing I love more than you is your daddy. Yeah. I love your daddy more than anything.” AJ smiled as Baylee continued to smile and coo at him. He wished that Baylee belonged to him. He knew he would make an excellent father and with Brian as a partner he knew he could do anything.