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Nick closed his hotel room door loudly behind him. He leaned back against the hard door and pounded it gently with the back of his head. He felt like the world’s biggest asshole. AJ’s words rang in his ears. He was right though. Nick had fully taken advantage of the fact that AJ was always willing to help out with Baylee and never tried himself to help Brian with any of it. He was supposed to be Brian’s best friend and he could count on one hand how many times he had held Baylee, forget changing his diapers.

He hadn’t even gone to visit him or try to play with him. He had taken for granted that AJ made sure Brian was taken care of and then he goes and throws it in his face. He could really be helping out more. Hell he could even help out a little and it would still be more than what he was doing now. He could be taking Baylee for an afternoon so that Brian could sleep. He had just assumed that AJ was doing all of those things because he was in love with Brian. It had never crossed Nick’s mind that AJ was doing those things because it was what good friends do.

He had no idea why he was reacting so strongly to the thought of AJ and Brian actually working out or AJ spending all of his time with Brian. He himself was never in love with AJ so why did he care who AJ was in love with? He sighed and thought for a moment before he allowed himself to really answer that question. It was because he was miserable and he resented the fact that AJ may be able to get himself out of his own miserable funk. Selfish, yes, but he had always been considered selfish so there was no surprise there.

He just wished he could get over his feelings for Kevin so he would not feel so alone all of the time. AJ was really mad at him. He never should have thrown AJ’s feelings for Brian in his face like that. Nick knew how bad it hurt to love someone that would never look twice at you and he felt horrible for making AJ feel worse when all he was doing was trying to do was be a good friend. He sighed and looked at the clock. There was still three hours before the scheduled sound check.

He would have a lot of explaining and apologizing to do to keep AJ from being too pissed at him. He knew he had really messed things up this time. He flopped down on the bed and sighed again. He wrapped his arms around the limp hotel pillow. Maybe a nap would help him calm down some before he had to see them again, at least it would take the edge off his temper.


AJ filled the sink with warm water and placed the squirmy baby inside. He loved bath time with Baylee. It was one of the only times that Baylee was truly happy. Not that he wasn’t happy other times, but he really loved bath time, especially with AJ because he gave him extra time to play in the water. He reached into the diaper bag and pulled out Baylee’s bath duck and placed it in the water. Baylee laughed and grabbed it, dunking it once before trying to put it in his mouth. AJ smiled and took it away and put it back in the water. He began using the duck to play with Baylee, making him laugh and smile.

Baylee laughed out and lunged for the duck sloshing the water out of the sink and all down the front of AJ’s shirt, soaking it through. AJ laughed gently and shook his head. No one ever came out dry after bath time. He refilled the sink and settled Baylee back into the warm water. He grabbed a cup nearby and filled it with water before dumping it softly over top Baylee’s head to wet the curls. Baylee giggled and looked up at AJ, his blue eyes sparkling with fun. AJ smiled back and kissed Baylee’s nose before returning to his task of cleaning the baby. Keeping one hand on his back to keep him upright AJ opened the baby shampoo and poured a small amount into his hand before massaging into Baylee’s blonde curls.

He had Brian’s blue eyes and blonde curls. Every time AJ looked at Baylee he was reminded of how much he loved Brian. Sometimes that made it hard to be with Baylee as much as he was. The baby shampoo smelled like vanilla, warm, comforting, home. It made AJ wish beyond hope that things were different with him and Brian and that they were a family together, but AJ knew that would never happen and he was quite thankful for what he did have. He couldn’t believe he got along with Brian’s son as well as he did. He figured that when Baylee was born that it would be too hard to be around Brian or Baylee for that matter. Now AJ couldn’t imagine an hour going by when he wasn’t near Baylee. The small child had stolen his heart the moment AJ had set eyes on him and he seriously doubted he would ever get it back. The only thing that bothered AJ was the fear that someone new would come into Brian’s life and take his place with Baylee. AJ had lost Brian a long time ago, a blow he was still trying to recover from; losing Baylee would end him for sure.

He finished washing the baby and leaned back, giving Baylee time to play around in the water. He smiled and laughed with Baylee. He sang him every song that came to mind. Baylee loved with AJ sung to him and usually stopped everything he was doing to gaze up at AJ with bright blue shining eyes. AJ loved feeling that wanted, that needed.

Once the water grew cold he pulled the drain and laughed as Baylee watched the water go down the drain. Baylee was amazed every time. He grabbed a towel and gently lifted Baylee out of the sink, wrapping the oversized towel securely around him. He dried his curls but kept him wrapped in the towel. He continued singing a song and danced from the bathroom to the main area of the hotel room, tickling Baylee’s belly the whole way. Baylee shrieked with laughter and giggles. AJ smiled too and buried his head in Baylee’s tummy and blowing on it lightly causing Baylee to shriek more. They were interrupted by a knock at the door. AJ danced over and found his smile growing wider as he opened the door to find Brian on the other side.