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Chapter 2
“It’s not my story tell, guys. It’s AJ’s. I’m just shocked he didn’t feel the need to tell you, exactly.”

“Why am I getting the feeling that we may not like this story?” Kevin asked.

“I’m going inside, anyone want anything?” All of us shook our heads, answering Nick’s question.

Howie stepped into the kitchen, stopping dead in his tracks. That tattoo! Or, rather tattoos! He’d seen them before. But, hell, that was years ago. He’d thought he’d never see her again, even though she stayed in his mind. And even though he was married, he could feel those same damn emotions coming to the surface. If it was her, than fate was playing one cruel ass joke on him. He grabbed Nick’s arm, stopping him before he went outside again.

“Nick, who’s she?”

“She is AJ’s girlfriend, who’s about to tell a really damn good story that none of us knows. So, come on.” Girlfriend? The same girlfriend who kicked AJ’s ass into gear? The same girlfriend who had been with AJ for the last seven months and helped him kick all his stupid drinking habits and drug habits? No way! Howie just refused to believe it. Yet, he had to admit that the woman he knew a few years ago, was a tad bitchy, a tad strong, so yeah, it was possible. He leaned against the sliding glass door, watching her for a few more moments. Her hair no longer held the blonde streaks and she certainly had a few more tattoos, but no one could have those same two tattoos in the same location. What were the odds?

I got out of the seat, feeling another pair of eyes on me. Yet, everyone was counted for. So, who could it be? LeighAnne was out of town with Bayley, so I knew it wasn’t them. I turned around, staring right into those brown eyes. ‘Oh shit! Oh, oh, oh, shit!’ my mind kept screaming. It just couldn’t be, not now, not here. He was…it should have been…never again… I couldn’t even finish my thoughts. He walked over and stood in front of me, his brown eyes searching. Damn, there were still just as gorgeous as they were a few years ago.

“D, you’re right in time.” AJ stood up and slid his arm around my waist, slapping me back into reality. Right, I was AJ’s girl. Couldn’t think of the past, or of those lips, hands, the way…STOP! “Howie, this is my girlfriend Theresa. Theresa, one of my best friends, Howie. Although, we just call him D.”

“Finally. So, this is the woman who’s kicked your ass?” AJ rolled his eyes and I giggled.

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Than I think on everyone here, we’re grateful. None of us were getting through that thick skull.”

“It was tough.”

“It usually is.” He smiled, and my breath caught. Damn it, I really hoped no one else was catching my reactions to this man. His sly little smile, though, was certainly telling me he at least was.