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I was outside of my house with my 30 other siblings, when my father walked up to me
“May I have a word with you daughter?” my father asked, I nodded and set my broom against the wall and followed him inside into the living room where my mother was sitting, I sat next to her.
“Daughter you are to be married in 3 days to Timothy Gallagher” Josiah Leavitt told his daughter. Megan just sat there her lip quivering, tears threatening to fall from her eyes, her breathing faltering.
“N…No, I won’t do it” Megan stuttered and looked to her mother for help, her mother looked down
“you will keep sweet and do as I say, it is gods wish for you” her father said in a threatening tone. Megan looked at her mother again
“mamas please help me” Megan whispered
“I can’t, I’m sorry. Megan please KEEP SWEET” her mother stressed
“Now you will marry Timothy Gallagher willingly and bare his children, it is your duty. Now the Prophet will be here in 2 days and perform the ceremony” her father said proudly.
Megan just sat there and nodded. Her father was the Bishop of their church and respected in their colony. He had 4 wives including her mother and had 30 children. Her mother had 5 children, Megan was the 2nd eldest, her oldest sister was already married and had 2 kids by the age of 18. Megan had 2 younger brothers and a younger sister.
Megan is 15 years old and not ready to be married, wanted to live a normal life, she wanted to continue school and possibly got to college.