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It took me ten minutes to get to the pizza parlor. I was surprised to see the little boy we met at the diner earlier occupying the table at the corner of the restaurant. The little boy waved at me, he was so cute and I couldn’t help but waved back. I went to the counter to place my order. I saw a tall, petite, brown haired woman holding 2 boxes of pizza approached the boy.

I wanted to see the woman's face because she might be the little boy’s mother. But she was facing the opposite direction. And then I saw the little boy pointed at me and the woman slowly turned around to look at the direction the boy was pointing to, and our eyes met.

I blinked twice just to make sure I wasn't being fooled by my eyes.

oh my God!

I wasted no time and walked towards their table.
"See mom, I told you they are in town." I heard the little boy said as he looked up to the woman beside him.

"Rachel?" I whispered

She slowly nodded, her lips formed a half smile. It has been four years since I last saw her. I still couldn’t believe what I was seeing, all I could think of was Alex.

"I wonder why dad isn't home yet." the little boy sounds like complaining

"Alexis!" Rachel gave him a warning look, the boy pressed his lips together.

Then Rachel looked at me "Hi Leighanne! how are you? it's been a while..."

I could see Rachel was trying her best to keep a straight face. It seemed like she didn’t liked the idea of meeting me. But I did.

"I'm good." I answered with a smile. I was really excited to see her. I missed talking to her “How are you?”

"I'm fine. By the way this is my son, Alexis." Rachel placed her hand on Alexis’ head.

I looked at Alexis and smiled. This time I had no doubt who his father was.

"Nice to meet you, Alexis, you didn't have the chance to tell us your name earlier at the diner."

"Aunt Leighanne, you've known me since I was a baby." Alexis pouted "By the way before I forget I want to say thank you."

"For what?" I asked

"For the gift you gave me last week for my birthday, it was the nicest car ever." His face lit up

"I... we gave you a gift?" I was confused and looked at Rachel asking for an explanation.

"You don't remember? The big blue car?" He seemed hurt.

"That’s enough, Alexis." Rachel turned to me "It was nice to meet you again, Leighanne. I've missed you but we've got to be going now. My sister is probably waiting for these." She pointed at the boxes of pizza at the table.

There was sincerity on her voice though I felt like she was trying to get away from me.

"Ok." I nodded

I scanned my purse for a piece of paper, when I found one I went to the counter to borrow a pen. I scribbled down my mobile number and went back to Rachel and Alexis. I handed the small paper to Rachel.

"Please call me when you have time. Let's have coffee." I looked at her expectantly

"Will do. See you around, Leighanne." She kissed me on the cheeks

"Bye, Aunt leighanne." Alexis said

I leaned over to kiss him in the cheeks.

"Bye, Alexis. Bye, Rachel."

I watched them leave the restaurant. I sat down to wait for the pizza I ordered. I pulled out my phone and called up Brian.